Activists Don and Norma Freeman to receive Judge Will Dawson Award, Al Porter, others to be honored too, today, September 29, by OPN community activist group at 5 pm, 15453 Euclid Avenue in E Cleveland, event provides for free admission, free food

East Cleveland Municipal Court Judge Will Dawson, for whom an award is named. The award will be handed out by the East Cleveland activist group the Oppressed People's Nation in his name, today, Sept 29, 2013, at the group's Second Annual Community Dinner. The honor will go to longtime Cleveland Community Activists Don and Norma Freeman. Others, including Community Activist Al Porter of Black on Black Crime Inc., will receive recognition too. Members of the grassroots group The Oppressed People's Nation. The group is led by Community Activist Ernest Smith Black on Black Crime Vice President and Community Activist Al Porter (center) and other members of the grassroots community group that fights against injustices. By Kathy Wray Coleman, editor-in-chief, Cleveland Urban News.Com and The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com, Ohio's No 1 and No 2 online Black news venues ( ) Reach Clevel...