McGinty wins Democratic primary for county prosecutor, might face Black Independent candidate Ed Wade in November, Hall places 2nd

Tim McGinty, who won Tuesday's Democratic primary for Cuyahoga County prosecutor, greets supporters at a recent fundraiser for his candidacy . Stephanie Hall, the only Black and woman in the race for Cuyahoga County prosecutor who out did three men, two with greater name recognition than she before the celebrated contest for the county's most powerful office Robert Triozzi, a former law director under Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson, who was endorsed by the mayor and came in fourth in the race for Cuyahoga County prosecutor. He allegedly got punched in the face at a poll location on Tues. James McDonnell came in fifth place for the Cuyahoga County prosecutor's seat in spite of television commercials and endorsements from some suburban mayors and municipal prosecutors Subodh Chandra, a candidate for Cuyahoga County prosecutor pushed by a cadre of community activists and U.S. Rep. Marcia L, Fudge (D-OH), made a third place finish Edward Wade, a Cleveland criminal...