
Showing posts with the label Community activist women harassed at 6th anniversary rally for the Imperial Avenue Murders

Eleven Cleveland cops harass Imperial Women Coalition, community activists and family members of murdered Black women at rally in Cleveland on 6th anniversary of Imperial Avenue Murders, activists and family members of murder victims to meet next week to vote to either picket the home of Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson a third time, or to demand the resignation of fourth district police commander Brandon Kutz, who is White in a police district that is 99 percent Black....The Reverend Jimmy Gates, a Jackson ally and convicted felon who went to prison for taking bribes as a former city official, appears at rally to intimidate activist women, and tells one of them to shut the hell up while allegedly menacing her, allegedly for the Black mayor and police....Activists want criminal charges against the unemployed and out of control Gates....By Cleveland Urban News.Com, Ohio's leader in Black digital news

By Cleveland Urban News. Com and the Cleveland Urban News.Com Blog, Ohio's Most Read Online Black Newspaper and Newspaper Blog. Tel: 216-659-0473. Email: .   ( ) /   ( ).  Convicted serial killer and death row inmate Anthony Sowell, who strangled 11 Black women to death at his since demolished home in Cleveland, Ohio  on the  majority Black city's  largely Black east side,  and raped three other  Black women. His  convictions and death sentence  are  on appeal  before the Ohio Supreme Court CLEVELAND URBAN NEWS.COM-CLEVELAND, Ohio-  Local community activists and family  members  of murdered Black women that rallied Thursday, Oct 29 on Imperial Avenue on Cleveland's largely Black east side to  commemorate  the  6th Anniversary of the Imperial Avenue Murders were...