
Showing posts with the label Gloria Pointer

Teen Gloria Pointer's rapist, killer Hernandez Warren sentenced to life in prison after 30 years free, Cuyahoga County Prosecutor McGinty at the helm, her mother Yvonne Pointer vows to continue her community advocacy: Imperial women, community activists applaud Yvonne Pointer for her courage and community advocacy, say they hope Warren rots in hell like serial rapist Ariel Castro and serial killer Anthony Sowell: Imperial Women object to statement by Warren's lawyers that he has been rehabilitated, say comment was irresponsible, insensitive

Convicted rapist and teen murderer Hernandez Warren Victim Gloria Pointer Gloria Pointer's mother Yvonne Pointer, now a community activist and children and woman's advocate, and Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Tim McGinty, who broke the case with DNA sampling that had been unsolved since 1984, and he did it less than two years after taking the helm as county prosecutor in 2012 Cleveland Urban News. Com and The Cleveland Urban News.Com Blog, O hio's Most Read Online Black Newspaper, Tel: (216) 659-0473    ( ) /   ( CLEVELAND, Ohio-After three decades of pain and grief following the unsolved rape and murder of her 14-year-old daughter Gloria, Yvonne Pointer, now a woman's advocate, a nationally recognized author, and a missing children's spokesperson, found some solace on Friday as the rapist and murderer of her daughter was sentenced to life in prison. The sentence, which mandates that...