Landscaper harassed by 5 White University Heights cops at home of journalist and community activist Kathy Wray Coleman, the same 5 cops tried to gun Coleman down a week earlier per the directive of mentally unhinged Cuyahoga County Judge John O'Donnell.... O'Donnell stalked Coleman for 12 years using a civil case with no plaintiff (Cuyahoga County Case Number CV03505359) and tried to steal her $140,000 home for JPMorgan Chase Bank under a fake name for $36,000 without it suing her, and allegedly also for a Plain Dealer Newspaper reporter too....Coleman said O'Donnell is getting more aggressive and needs help for mental illness.... The Economic Crimes Unit has advised Coleman to file a police report against O'Donnell calling his actions "public corruption".... Miranda Hamrick of the law firm of Lerner, Sampson and Rothfuss told the court that her client Chase is Coleman's mortgage company and the case O'Donnell has been using for 12 years has no plaintiff or mortgage company, but O'Donnell still kept up the harassment....O'Donnell also ignored the demand by the sheriff's office to back-off....Though not over any criminal case, O'Donnell had Coleman jailed in the county in 2008 with no charges and stripped with retired Judge Sara Harper, the third vice president of the Cleveland NAACP, rescuing her.... Harper says that she believes they are trying to kill Coleman....By Cleveland Urban News.Com, Ohio's leader in Black digital news

From the Metro Desk of Cleveland Urban News. Com and The Cleveland Urban News.Com Blog, O hio's Most Read Online Black Newspaper and Newspaper Blog, Tel: (216) 659-0473. Email: ( ) / ( ). Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas Judge John O'Donnell CLEVELAND, Ohio- Continuing their racism, public corruption and police brutality lodged for 12 years against Black resident, activist and journalist Kathy Wray Coleman, five White University Heights cops have harassed Coleman's landscaper, all of them with guns or rifles, and one angry cop specifically, holding his hand on his gun at all times. University Heights is a largely White middle class Cleveland suburb that is roughly 18 percent Black, and current mayor Susan Infeld, who is White and the safety director over the cops and police chief, reportedly wants Blacks out of the community. "I was...