
Showing posts with the label Blacks gunned down by White Cleveland cops with hail of 137 bullets

Cuyahoga County Grand Jury to decide May 30, 2014, whether to criminally indict the 13 White Cleveland cops that gunned down unarmed Blacks Malissa Williams and Tim Russell with a hail of 137 bullets following a police car chase from Cleveland to East Cleveland

A  Cuyahoga County  Grand Jury will issue a decision ON May 30, 2014, on whether to criminally charge 13 non- Black Cleveland cops that gunned down two unarmed Blacks with a hail of 137 bullets on the night of November 29, 2012. C ommunity Activist Kathy Wray Coleman speaks to the mainstream media of greater Cleveland  in the  parking lot at  Heritage Middle School  in East Cleveland, Ohio at a rally and vigil she led for gunned down unarmed Blacks Malissa Williams and Tim Russell, both fatally shot at by the 13 police officers  following a Cleveland  police car chase  that began in downtown Cleveland and ended in the parking lot at Heritage Middle School in neighboring East Cleveland.  Read the story on this event at . Pictured to the right of Ms. Coleman in the red hat is the mother of Malissa Williams. Community activists have called for the 13 cops to be indicted criminally. (Photo By La...