
Showing posts with the label five month-old Aavielle Wakefield dead of gun violence

Three babies dead by gunfire in Cleveland....Five month-old Aavielle Wakefield shot and killed in drive-by shooting in Cleveland, possible riots emerging as gangs are on stand-by if police try to ambush Black community, sources say....Racism is also to blame, some say, as tensions mount and Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Tim McGinty offers $25,000 reward for information....Black Police Chief Calvin Williams brought to tears, and he and Mayor Jackson call for calm....Wakefield's murder follows recent deadly drive-by shootings in Cleveland of three-year-old Major Howard and five-year-old Raymon Burnett....State Representative Bill Patmon calls it the demolition of the Black community and says that the National Guard is not coming in, activist Art McKoy blames City Hall, and activist Pierre Napier tells Cleveland Urban News.Com that police are to blame...Mayor Jackson promises more police on the streets as demanded by councilmen Zack Reed and Jeff Johnson, though some activists say that more police means more trouble following police shootings of Black people... The underlying reasons for the baby killings are a submissive Black community, racial and economic injustices, induced poverty, struggling public schools, and police apathy, some say....By Cleveland Urban News.Com Editor-in-Chief Kathy Wray Coleman

Five month-old Cle veland drive- by shooting victim Aavielle Wakefield , who was shot and killed on Thursday, October 1 Three-year-old Cleveland drive- by shooting victim Major Howard, who was laid to rest on Tuesday, September 22 Five-year-old Cleveland drive- by shooting victim Ramon Burnett, who was laid to rest on Saturday, September 18 Front row from left:  Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson, Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Tim McGinty, Cleveland Police Chief Calvin Williams, and state Representative Bill Patmon (D-10) Bottom row from left: Cleveland Ward 2 Councilman Zack Reed, Cleveland Ward 10 Councilman Jeff Johnson, and greater Cleveland community activist and Black on Black Crime Inc. founder Art McKoy. Community activists Pierre Napier and Valerie Robinson, who are also among those quoted din the article below, are not pictured. By Kathy Wray Coleman, editor-in-chief, Cleveland Urban News. Com and the Cleveland Urban News.Com Blog, Ohio's Most R...