Former DNC chair Donna Brazile keynotes the 2019 Cleveland NAACP Freedom Fund Dinner and says Ohio and Cleveland are pivotal to the 2020 presidential election that will be won by "a razor thin margin"....Cleveland Channel 5 News Anchor Danita Harris was the mistress of ceremonies for the fundraising event and Danielle Sydnor is president of the Cleveland NAACP....View the event pictures here, including Black people and others dressed to the nines....They include judges, Cleveland NAACP members, Black greater Cleveland mayors, political affiliates, attorneys, P.h.D's, and Black "beauty queens".....By editor Kathy Wray Coleman of and, Ohio's most read Black digital newspaper and Black blog

Pictured is former Democratic National Committee (DNC) chair and veteran political strategist Donna Brazile, who was the keynote speaker at the annual Cleveland NAACP Freedom Fund Dinner on Saturday, June 22, 2019 at the Grand Ballroom of the Cleveland Renaissance Hotel in downtown Cleveland The crowd at the annual Cleveland NAACP Freedom Fund Dinner in Cleveland, Ohio, on June 22, 2019 Former Cleveland NAACP president and Cleveland Judge Michael Nelson Sr, his wife, Donna Kelso Nelson, Cleveland Channel 5 News Anchor Anita Harris, who was the mistress of ceremonies for the event, and Yvonne Pointer- Triplett at the reception before the Cleveland NAACP Freedom Fund Dinner on June 22, 2019 in Cleveland, Ohio The judges Sheehan, Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas Judge Brendan Sheehan and his wife, 8th District Court of Appeals Judge Michelle Sheehan Ariane Kirkpatrick, Dr. Jacklyn Chisholm, and Yolanda Armstrong Mapl...