
Showing posts with the label James Barrett

Cleveland Mayoral Candidate Ken Lanci kicks off campaign with support from some community activists, Lanci and Community Activist Art McKoy will distribute food, other goods to Imperial Ave. residents in Cleveland, who live on the street were serial killer Anthony Sowell murdered 11 Black women at his home, at 5 pm on Tuesday, June 25

Cleveland Mayoral Candidate Ken Lanci From The Metro Desk Of Cleveland Urban News.Com and The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com, Ohio's No 1 and No 2 online Black newspapers  ( ).  Reach Cleveland Urban News.Com by email at and by phone at 216-659-0473 CLEVELAND, Ohio-Democratic Cleveland Mayoral Candidate Ken Lanci kicked off his campaign for mayor in hopes of unseating popular two term Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson before a crowd of some 150 supporters at the Embassy Suites in Independence on Tuesday evening. (Editor's Note: Lanci will distribute food and other goods to residents on Imperial Ave in Cleveland with Community Activist Art McKoy and others at 5 pm on Tuesday, June 25. Imperial Ave. is infamous internationally and across the country where 11 Black women were found murdered on the street on the city's largely Black east side in the home of since convicted serial killer Anthony Sowell, who s...