President Obama signs expanded Violence Against Women Act into law...Cleveland Urban News.Com remembers the 11 Black women strangled and murdered on Imperial Ave. on Cleveland's east side by Serial Killer Anthony Sowell... Reauthorized act adds protections for gay rights, Native-Americans.... Data show that Black women are most at risk for violent crimes... In signing the act Obama said that "all women need to live free of fear," Cleveland placed ninth of Forbes 2012 rankings of 10 most dangerous cities

Convicted Serial Killer Anthony Sowell, also known as The Cleveland Strangler. Sowell, 52, sits on death row after convictions in 2011 on 82 of 83 counts including aggravated murder of 11 Black women at his home on Imperial Ave. on Cleveland's majority Black east side. His convictions are on appeal before the Ohio Eighth District Court of Appeals. Above, United States President Barack Obama gives the thumbs up after signing the expanded Violence Against Women Act on Thursday. Below that, the president talks public policy changes for the betterment of the American people. By Kathy Wray Coleman, publisher, editor-in-chief, Cleveland Urban News. Com and The Cleveland Urban News.Com Blog, Ohio's Most Read Online Black Newspaper ( www.cleve ) WASHINGTON, D.C - President Barack Obama on Thursday signed the revitalized Violence Against Women Act into law, renewing a measure that had lapsed last year due to partisan infighting in...