National NAACP interim President Derrick Johnson responds to Charlottesville, Virginia attack on activists by White supremacists via a letter to editor Kathy Wray Coleman where he criticizes President Trump for blaming people "on both sides"...Black, other Cleveland activists to address the matter briefly at a candidates forum for Cleveland mayor on Tuesday, August 22, 2017 at Angie's Soul Cafe, 3400 St Clair Avenue in Cleveland.....Call 216-659-0473 for more information on the forum....By editor Kathy Wray Coleman of,, and, Ohio's Black digital news leaders

Interim national NAACP President Derrick Johnson ClevelandUrbanNews.Com and the KathyWrayColemanOnlineNewsBlog.Com (Below is a letter from interim national NAACP President Derrick Johnson to editor Kathy Wray Coleman in response to the attack and killing by suspected murderer James Alex Fields of Ohio against activists opposing White supremacists, led by David Duke, at a rally in Charlottesville, Virginia on Saturday where one participant was killed and 19 others injured. Black, other Cleveland activists to briefly address the matter at a candidates forum for Cleveland mayor on Tuesday, August 22, 2017 at Angie'a Soul Cafe, 3400 St Clair Avenue in Cleveland..... Call 216-659-0473 for more information on the forum) _________________________________________________________ _________________ Kathy [Wray Coleman], (From national NAACP President Derrick Johnson) Over the last 48 hours, we have once again seen the familiar faces of hate and bigotr...