Obama is an absolute miracle writes Cleveland Urban News.Com guest columnist Judith Pugsley, a White woman from Rocky River, Ohio who says that Obama is one of us, that he struggled like Blacks, women, the middle class, poor people

President Obama From the Metro Desk of Cleveland Urban News.Com and The Cleveland Urban News.Com Blog, Ohio's Most Read Online Black Newspaper ( www.clevelandurbannews.com ) ROCKY RIVER, Ohio- Editorial by Guest Columnist Judith Pugsley, an Obama supporter from Rocky River, Ohio (Editor's note: Judith Pugsley met the president at a gathering for his supporters and volunteers on a campaign visit to Shaker Hts High School in Shaker Hts, Oh,. a suburb of Cleveland. Pugsley is a guest columnist and a middle class White woman from Rocky River, Oh., also a suburb of the majority Black major metropolitan city of Cleveland. Reach Pugsley at pugsley@clevelandurbannews.com). Vote Early In Ohio: CLICK HERE ON THIS LINK TO FIND YOUR VOTING LOCATION IN OHIO The presence of Barack Obama in the White House is an absolute miracle. He is the only president that has truly extended his feelings of love and fellowship to ordinary grassroo...