
Showing posts with the label Blacks Community

Editorial by Contributing Writer Judith Pugsley, a White woman from Rocky River, Ohio who asks whether Blacks have truly progressed since slavery

ROCKY RIVER, Ohio- Judith Pugsley, a retired professional and supporter of Civil Rights, wrote Cleveland Urban News.Com and The Kathy Wray Coleman online News Blog. Com on whether Blacks in America have truly progressed since slavery. Pugsley has based the aforementioned assessment in part on an analysis of the Pulitzer Prize winning 2010 book titled "The Warmth of Other Suns." It is an epic story of America's great migration, including the depiction of how Blacks migrated from the South to the northern and western American cities after the stain of having been illegally taken in chains from the fields of Africa to be vilified as slaves in the country's homelands. Her editorial is as follows: By Judith Pugsley, Contributing Writer Let's take a look at the progress of blacks in America from slavery up to modern times. Obviously, the slave trade dehumanized black families and tore them apart for 246 years. No one had rights, and terror ran rampant. Then came the em...