
Showing posts with the label Attorney Michael Nelson

Congresswoman Fudge denounces recall effort against Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson as divisive, says she will convene a community meeting on that issue and the DOJ report of systemic problems in the largely White Cleveland Police Department, other community grievances....By Cleveland Urban News.Com, Ohio's leader in Black digital news

11th Congressional District Congresswoman Marcia L. Fudge (D-OH) Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson Cleveland NAACP Attorney Michael Nelson Sr. speaks to about 30 people during a meeting held Thursday evening , March 19 on Cleveland's largely Black east side relative to a recall effort against Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson.  To the direct left of Nelson is Norm Edwards, and to his left is Ken Bender. Edwards and Bender lead the Black Contractors Group of greater Cleveland.  WASHINGTON, DC - Congresswoman Marcia Fudge, whose largely Black 11th congressional district includes the city of Cleveland and its eastern suburbs of Cuyahoga County, issued a press statement on April 14 expressing opposition to efforts by a group of citizens, led by local criminal defense attorney Michael Nelson Sr. and Black contractors Group leaders Ken Bender and Norm Edwards, to recall Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson from office. "The campaign to ...

Recall effort against Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson by Black Contractors Group and Attorney Nelson over mayor's stance on DOJ report of police killings, including Tamir Rice is losing steam as activists like Art McKoy jump ship saying police are the main problem, organizers of the recall effort are accused of targeting a Black mayor while leaving Whites like County Prosecutor Tim McGinty alone, Cleveland NAACP official calls recall effort a waste of time and money

Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson By Kathy Wray Coleman , editor-in-chief, Cleveland Urban News.Com and The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News, Ohio's leaders in Black digital  news.     Coleman is a 22-year investigative journalist and political and legal reporter who trained for 17 years at the Call and Post Newspaper in Cleveland, Ohio.   ( ) /   ( ) CLEVELAND, Ohio- A  recall effort against Cleveland Mayor Frank  Jackson that is being  pushed by the Black Contractors Group and Cleveland Attorney Michael Nelson Sr. is becoming an uphill battle as community activists  once interested in the almost impossible endeavor are jumping  ship, the few that had contemplated  supporting the initiative. "I'm neutral," Black on Black Crime founder and community activist  Art McKoy told Cleveland Urban News.Com...

Former Cleveland NAACP President George Forbes bought homes for cheap stolen by former county sheriffs through illegal foreclosures, NAACP affiliates Attorneys James Hardiman, Michael Nelson are shielding White judges, police and other culprits hurting Blacks, community activists call on current Cleveland NAACP President the Rev Hilton Smith to speak out, activists are considering another picket of the Cleveland NAACP, activists say Cleveland police that gunned down two unarmed Blacks with 137 bullets are protected because NAACP officials will not speak up

From the Metro Desk of   Cleveland Urban News. Com and The Cleveland Urban News.Com Blog,  O hio's Most Read Online Black Newspaper and Newspaper Blog. Tel: 216-659-0473. ( ) /   ( ) From top left: Former Cleveland NAACP President and Current Call and Post Newspaper General Counsel George Forbes, Attorney and Ohio ACLU Legal Director James Hardiman, Attorney Michael Nelson, Cleveland NAACP President The Rev. Hilton Smith, and Cleveland NAACP Executive Director Sheila Wright CLEVELAND, Ohio- The Cleveland Chapter NAACP, then under the leadership of chapter president George Forbes,  protected the theft of homes through illegal foreclosures by judges, county prosecutors and former county sheriffs Gerald McFaul and Bob Reid, as Forbes bought hundreds of the houses for cheap, including in the cities of Cleveland and  East Cleveland, and he protected malfeasance against the Black communit...