Happy New Year from Editor Kathy Wray Coleman, www.ClevelandUrbanNews.Com and the www.KathyWrayColemanOnlineNewsBlog.Com, Ohio's Black digital news leaders with some 3.5 million Google Plus views and in the top 10% in national Black digital news. With national political news and news from greater Cleveland from an urban perspective. May the New Year bring prosperity to all. Tel: (216) 659-0473. Email: editor@clevelandurbannews.com and advertising@clevelandurbannews.com
Happy New Year from Editor Kathy Wray Coleman, www. ClevelandUrbanNews.Com and the www. KathyWrayColemanOnlineNewsBlog.Com , Ohio's Black digital news leaders with some 3.5 million Google Plus views and in the top 10% in national Black digital news. With national political news and news from greater Cleveland from an urban perspective. May the New Year bring prosperity to all. Tel: (216) 659-0473. Email: editor@clevelandurbannews.com and advertising@clevelandurbannews.com ( www.clevelandurbannews.com ) / ( www.kathywraycolemanonlinenewsblog.com ). Ohio's most read Black digital newspaper and Black blog.Tel: (216) 659-0473 and Email: editor@clevelandurbannews.com By Editor-in-Chief Kathy Wray Coleman, a-24-year journalist who trained at the Call and Post Newspaper in Cleveland, Ohio for 17 years, and who interviewed now President Barack Obama one-on-one when he was campaigning for president. As to the Obama interview, CLICK HERE TO READ THE E