
Showing posts with the label american-indian

The Imperial Women And Carl Stokes Brigade And Occupy Cleveland Members, Other Activists Endorse Subodh Chandra For Cuyahoga County Prosecutor

Cuyahoga County Prosecutor hopeful Subodh Chandra, 3rd from lt, and his wife Meena, 2nd from lt, pose with their triplet sons and President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama From the Metro Desk of The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com ( ) (Kathy Coleman) and Cleveland Urban News.Com ( Subodh Chandra ( ), a candidate for next year's Democratic Primary for Cuyahoga County Prosecutor, yesterday got the unanimous endorsement of the Imperial Women, the Women's Federation, the Greater Cleveland Immigrant Support Network, the People's Forum, People for the Imperial Act, the Joaquin Hicks Real People's Movement, top affiliates in their individual capacity that are members of groups such as Occupy Cleveland, the Committee for a Renewed African-American Museum of Cleveland, the Carl Stokes Brigade, Black on Black Crime Inc., and the Cleveland Chapter of the New Black Pa...