
Showing posts with the label Cleveland NAACP rally

Press Release: Community activists to rally on Monday, May 13 at 7 pm Cleveland NAACP meeting, corner of E. 107th St and Chester Ave in Cleveland in front of The University Circle United Methodist Church, for support for Cleveland NAACP on deadly police shootings of unarmed people such as 137 bullets victims Tim Russel an Malissa Williams, Kenneth and Daniel Ficker, rape, abduction and murder of women such as Christine Malone, foreclosure fraud, jobs and judicial impropriety, contact number for rally is 216-659-0473

By Kathy Wray Coleman, editor-in-chief,  Cleveland Urban News.Com and The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com, Ohio's No 1 and No 2 online Black news venues  ( )  Reach Cleveland Urban News.Com by email at and by phone at 216-659-0473 CLEVELAND, Ohio- The Imperial Women, The Oppressed People's Nation, Ohio Family Rights, Stop Targeting  Ohio's Poor and other community activists groups will rally with victims family members at 7 pm on Monday, May 13, 2013 in front of the church where the regular Cleveland NAACP meeting will be held  at University Circle United Methodist Church at 1919 E. 107th St. at the corner  of E. 107th St and Chester Ave. in Cleveland.  Activists seek a repeatedly promised meeting with Cleveland NAACP President The Rev. Hilton Smith and the organization's legal redress committee, which hasn't met as a group all year though NAACP offici...