
Showing posts from July, 2011

Collinwood Student Prosecuted For Protesting Teacher Layoffs Takes Deal In Fear Of Case Fixing By Mayor Jackson, Triozzi, Judge McLaughlin Murray

Destini Bronaugh (rt) and and her mother, Tina Bronaugh Cleveland Municipal Court Judge Lynn McLaughlin Murray Assistant Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Pinkey Carr Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson Cleveland Municipal Court Presiding and Administrative Judge Ron Adrine Former Cleveland Municipal Court Judge Kathleen Ann Keough Cleveland Law Director Robert Triozzi Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas Judge Timothy McGinty Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas Administrative and Presiding Judge Nancy Fuerst . Via state law Fuerst, as presiding judge of the common pleas court in the county, decides whether municipal court judges should be replaced with other sitting judges on criminal, civil and other cases after parties file affidavits of prejudice. Data show that Fuerst often denies valid prejudice affidavits filed by Blacks and others to allegedly cover up malfeasance for her judicial colleagues. And in most if not all instances of when Fuerst denies a prejudice affidavit, she does so befor...

Cleveland NAACP Executive Director Stanley Miller Resigns Amid Medical Mart Controversy, Stance Contrary To Forbes On Cleveland Hts Curfew Law

Outgoing Cleveland NAACP Executive Director Stanley Miller Cleveland NAACP President and Attorney George L. Forbes, also general counsel for The Call and Post Newspaper, Cleveland's Black Press From the Metro Desk of the Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com ( Cleveland NAACP Executive Director Stanley Miller has resigned after serving six years in the post, and amid controversy from a Black contractors group that says that Miller and Cleveland NAACP President George Forbes have done in struggling Black contractors by not speaking up about a dearth of minority contractors on the lucrative Medical Mart Project, though the major-metropolitan City of Cleveland is majority Black and roughly 67 percent minority. Miller played his departure as a new opportunity to lead Cleveland's struggling Marcus Garvey Charter School of some 175 students, but others say he resigned under pressure and because of ongoing conflict with Forbes, including a scat...

Sowell Convicted Of Murder, Imperial Women Leader Kathy Wray Coleman Interviews With Esparra Of Channel 19, Channel 5's Regan, Channel 3's Lingren

The Home on Imperial Ave. in Cleveland, Oh. of Anthony Sowell where the gruesome remains of 11 Black women were found on Halloween Day in 2009. Serial Murderer Anthony Sowell . From the Metro Desk of the Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com ( videos and the end of this article) A 12-member Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas jury convicted serial killer Anthony Sowell on Friday of the murders of 11 Black women at his home on Imperial Ave. in Cleveland and the attempted murder and rape or attempted rape of three others, among a host of the other charges, all but aggravated robbery of which the previously convicted sex offender was found guilty of, convictions on 82 of 83 counts. And Imperial Women leader Kathy Wray Coleman, who started the grassroots group around the unprecedented murders of the Black women with other community activists, was there and among the media to participate in Cleveland's most haunted and celebrated cas...

Imperial Women, Other Activists Rally With Community, Family Members Of 11 Black Women Murdered On Imperial Ave In Cleveland

From the Metro Desk of The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com ( Event- The One Year Anniversary Rally And Candlelight Vigil As To The Imperial Avenue Murders Held Oct. 29, 2010:The below 11 videos were produced and posted by Patricia Rowell and Ernest Smith of the Oppressed People's Nation. The videos, which are not inclusive of the entire event, represent rally and vigil participants of grassroots activists, political officials, other community members, and family members of the 11 Black women whose remains were announced on Halloween Day in 2009 and found a year ago beginning on Oct. 29, 2009 at the home of serial killer Anthony Sowell on Imperial Ave. in Cleveland, Oh. Sowell was found guilty of the murders, among a host of other charges, on Friday by a jury of his peers. The penalty phase begins Aug 1 and Sowell faces the death penalty. (Use the search box on this blog for herein blog articles on the Imperial Avenue Murders) Also at ...

Activists Delay More Protests Until Sen. Smith Meets With Cleveland Hts Mayor, Demand Repeal Of Curfew Law, Police Sensitivity Training

State Sen Shirley Smith (D-21), a Cleveland Democrat whose district includes Cleveland Hts. and parts of the City of Cleveland. Smith has said to date that she has not taken a position pro or con on the Cleveland Hts curfew law, one that allows police to arrest children under 18 for eating a sandwich at select restaurants or otherwise patronizing select businesses in the city after 6 pm, and one that has rocked the Cleveland Hts community, drawing a countywide discussion on the constitutional and statutory rights of children, Black children in particular. From the Metro Desk of the Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com ( About 25 activists and other greater Cleveland community members from various groups such as The Imperial Women, Stop Targeting Ohio's Poor, The Lucasville Uprising Freedom Network, The Cleveland Chapter of The New Black Panther Party, The Family Connection Center, The Carl Stokes Brigade and Black on Black Crime met with S...

19 Action News Reporter Paul Joncich Covers Curfew Law Rally, Activists Delay Future Protests Pending Another Meeting With State Sen. Shirley Smith

19 Action News Reporter and Anchor Paul Joncich State Sen Shirley Smith (D-21), a Cleveland Democrat whose district includes Cleveland Hts. and parts of Cleveland From the Metro Desk of the Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com ( Thank you to News Channels 5, 3 and 19 for covering the rally as to the 6 pm curvew law adopted three weeks ago by Cleveland Hts City Council. The rally was on July 18, 2011 in front of Cleveland Hts City Hall with some 25 activists protesting, followed by discussions at the City Council meeting where activists called for council to end the unconstitutional and irresponsible city ordinance that allegedly targets Black children and gives police the discretion as to whom to arrest for eating a sandwich at select restaurants in the city after 6 pm. Community Activist Valerie Robinson, a White resident of Cleveland Hts and a member of The Imperial Women, told Cleveland Hts City Council that the city ordinance is nothing mo...

Activists, Others To Rally Over Heights Curfew Law Mon, July 18 at 6:45 pm At Cleveland Hts City Hall, Will Meet With State Sen. Shirley Smith On Tue.

Innocent Black male children under arrest elsewhere by police for protesting, a scenario that might meet home if a one-of-its kind Cleveland Hts, Oh. curfew law that allows police to arrest Black and other children for protesting on issues of public concern without first contacting police remains in effect. The controversial curfew law also allows Cleveland Hts. police to arrest children under 18 for eating at restaurants or otherwise patronizing businesses after 6 p.m. in the Cedar-Lee Business District and the business district that stretches across Coventry Road between Mayfield Rd and Euclid Hts Blvd. State Sen Shirley Smith (D-21), a Cleveland Democrat whose district includes Cleveland Hts. Smith has not yet voiced a position publicly on the controversial curfew law that many community activists oppose but at the request of community activist groups and other community members has agreed to meet to hear their concerns to take them back to Cleveland Hts Mayor Edward Kelley and Clev...

Activist Coleman Files Affidavit of Prejudice Against Retired Visiting Berea Judge Michael Weigand For Determination By Judge Nancy Fuerst

Democratic Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas Administrative and Presiding Judge Nancy Fuerst . Via state law Fuerst, as presiding judge of the common pleas court in the county, decides whether municipal court judges should be replaced with other sitting judges on criminal, civil and other cases after parties file affidavits of prejudice. Data show that Fuerst often denies valid prejudice affidavits filed by Blacks and others to allegedly cover up malfeasance for her judicial colleagues. And in most if not all instances of when Fuerst denies a prejudice affidavit, she does so before the judge complained about can even respond in writing to the complaint, activity that suggest a preconceived bias against the complaining party. From the Metro Desk of the Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com ( TO THE CIVIL RIGHTS DIVISION OF THE CLEVELAND FBI Longtime Journalist and Community Activist Kathy Wray Coleman has filed an A...

Black on Black Crime, Imperial Women, Other Activists Object To Forbes' Position To Support Racist Cleveland Hts Curfew Law Against Black Children

Cleveland NAACP President and Attorney George L. Forbes, also general counsel for Cleveland's Call and Post Newspaper. Forbes supports a curfew ordinance amendment (an amendment or change in a previously passed law) passed Tuesday by Cleveland Hts City Council that unconstitutionally precludes Black children from shopping centers in certain areas of the city. Community Activist Art McKoy, who failed to win over community activists in requesting that they support the Cleveland Hts City Council ordinance amendment supported by Forbes. Community activists say the ordinance amendment is racist because it targets Black teens in violation of the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution Community Activist Sharon Danann, leader of the Lucasville Uprising Freedom Network, visits a prisoner at the Lucasville Prison that she says has been illegally convicted of crimes following a riot there in 1993. Danann says that the Cleveland Hts city ordinance...