
Showing posts with the label Cleveland football defense

As Browns quarterbacks struggle the defense needs to step up

 Karl Kimbrough (pictured), Cleveland Urban News.Com Sportswriter (   Cleveland Urban News.Com and The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com, Ohio's No 1 and No 2 online Black news venues  ( )  Reach Cleveland Urban News.Com by email at and by phone at 216-659-0473 CLEVELAND, Ohio-Against the Green Bay Packers, Browns fans didn't have to wait long to find out if Brandon Weeden would be successful in not allowing criticism to affect his performance. On Cleveland's first three offensive possessions they went three plays and out. This was a direct result of Weeden missing wildly on seven of his first eight passes. He was very high and wide on almost every throw. Those throws reminded me of a fastball pitcher who had lost his effectiveness. Now after almost a season and a half of professional football it is obvious that Weeden never left his first love, baseball. Weede...