
Showing posts with the label Ernest Smith

Plain Dealer and NOMG article on November 29 first anniversary rally and vigil of deadly 137 shots tragic shooting of unarmed Blacks Malissa Williams and Tim Russell by 13 all non-Black Cleveland police officers, also get this Plain Dealer article on the stands today, November 30, 2013

By  Cory Shaffer | Northeast Ohio Media Group   (NOMG) Email the author  |  Follow on Twitter   on November 29, 2013 at 2:30 PM, updated  November 29, 2013 at 9:40 PM Malissa Williams and Tim Russell CLEVELAND, Ohio – The number 137 is standing out to many community groups in Cleveland like few others. That’s the number of shots 13 Cleveland  police officers fired at Timothy Russell and Malissa Williams a year ago Friday , ending a 25-minute police chase across Cleveland into neighboring East Cleveland. And 365 days later, some of those  community groups  say they have seen little done to correct “the worst catastrophe in the police department’s history.” ( Read on below or  CLICK THIS LINK HERE TO READ THE FULL PLAIN DEALER STORY AT CLEVELAND.COM AND TO WATCH THE ASSOCIATED VIDEO  ) “Ninety percent of the people we talk to in the community feel that Malissa and Timothy have not gotten any justice,...