
Showing posts from October, 2012

Ohio State Senator Shirley Smith writes editorial against Cleveland schools property tax levy, says it hurts Cleveland taxpayers, lacks student- based outcomes, that unconstitutional school funding formula that hurts poor children should be fixed first, she wants mechanism to monitor educational outcomes

Ohio State Senator Shirley Smith, a Cleveland Democrat representing Ohio's 21st legislative district From the Metro Desk of Cleveland Urban News.Com and The Cleveland Urban News.Com Blog, Ohio's Most Read Online Black Newspaper  ( ) Guest Columnist: State Senator  Shirley  A. Smith (pictured), a  Cleveland  Democrat, represents Ohio's 21st District. By Ohio State Senator Shirley Smith (D-21), Guest Columnist CLEVELAND, Ohio -Clevelanders are now voting on Issue 107, a 15-mill levy for the Cleveland [Municipal] School District. Its fate will have huge repercussions for students and taxpayers. (Editor's note: The Cleveland schools are controlled by Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson per state law and the schools 15- mill operating levy is on the Nov. 6 ballot for either approval or  disapproval  by Cleveland voters, a majority of whom are Black).   I oppose the Cleveland plan for multiple reasons. It lacks stude...

Updated: Obama cancels campaign visit Wednesday to Akron, Ohio in Cleveland area as Hurricane Sandy has caused 48 deaths, 7.5 million customer power outages in 15 states including Ohio, 1 in 3 homes are without power in Cleveland, early voting restored in Maryland, Ohio sparred fatalities, Obama to resume campaigning Friday

Hurricane Sandy By Kathy Wray Coleman, Executive Publisher, Editor, Cleveland Urban News. Com and The Cleveland Urban News.Com Blog  ( ) CLEVELAND,Ohio-At least forty-eight people are dead, a third of them in New York alone, and over 7.5 million customers across the nation in 15 states and the District of Columbia are without power because of Hurricane Sandy. And as the  presidential campaign enters its final week, the country is taken by storm literally, and by virtue of a neck and neck race to the  White House  that has the Republican and Democratic parties fighting each other tooth and nail to the finish line.  A pivotal state, Ohio was hit by winds of 30 to 50 miles per hour Monday night and had no reported fatalities but did have  power outages in several of its 82 counties including Lorain, Lake, Geauga and Cuyahoga County, which includes Cleveland where one in three homes and businesses are without power. Preside...

A one-on-one interview with President Obama by Cleveland's own Robyn Simone of Radio One's 93.1 WZAK FM in Cleveland, Ohio's R&B, classic and soul leader in Black radio, Obama urges early voting, talks about Romney's anti-middle class tax cut proposal, Obamacare, foreclosures, medicaid and medicare, and gun violence following the killings this year at Chardon High School in Chardon, Ohio

United States of America President Barack Obama, who interviews one-on-one with Robyn Simone (below), a popular radio personality with Radio One's 93.1 WZAK FM, Cleveland, Ohio's R&B, classic and soul leader From the Metro Desk of Cleveland Urban News.Com, Ohio's Most Read Online Black Newspaper  ( ) (A one-on-one interview with President Barack Obama undertaken by Robyn Simone of Radio One's 93.1 WZAK FM Radio Station in Cleveland during a campaign visit by the president to Cleveland to urge Ohioans to vote, and to vote early).   CLICK HERE ON THIS LINK TO FIND YOUR VOTING LOCATION IN OHIO   CLEVELAND,Ohio- Ohio  is a key battleground state on the road to the White House and President Barack Obama, through the Obama for America Campaign , gave Cleveland, OH  its respect as he acknowledged the majority Black city's number one R&B, classic and soul leader by giving Radio One's WZAK 93.1 FM radio personali...

PRESS RELEASE:4th Anniversary Of The Imperial Avenue Murders Rally And Purplelight Vigil is Sat, Oct 27th, 5 pm, E. 123rd and Imperial Ave. in Cleveland, at corner near since demolished home of Convicted Serial Killer Anthony Sowell, who raped and murdered 11 Black women, in hard rain it will be held across the street at 2nd Trinity Baptist Church, 12302 Parkhill Ave. and Imperial Ave., some 30 organizations, speakers to participate in rally including community activists, Black elected officials, office of Congresswoman Fudge, victims' family members, bring signs and candles

The since demolished home on Imperial Ave. in Cleveland, Ohio of Convicted Serial Murderer Anthony Sowell where the remains of 11 Black women were found beginning on Oct. 29, 2009.  The 11 Black women strangled and murdered on Imperial Avenue in Cleveland. Six were murdered after Convicted Serial Killer Anthony Sowell was captured and then released from custody in 2008, Cleveland city officials admit. Their remains were uncovered beginning on Oct 29, 2009 and this year marks the third anniversary of the gruesome murders that rocked the majority Black major metropolitan city of Cleveland. The Imperial Women  Convicted Serial Killer Anthony Sowell From the Metro Desk of Cleveland Urban News.Com  ( ) (BRING SIGNS AND CANDLES AND WEAR SHIRTS SYMBOLIZING YOUR ORGANIZATION) CLEVELAND, Ohio- The Imperial Women Coalition, other community activist groups, victims family memb...

President Obama's airplane lands him at Burke Lakefront Airport in Cleveland, Ohio to speak to cheering crowd of 12,000 people, president urges Ohioans to vote early, gets endorsement from Colin Powell, Obama supporters that came out to hear the president comment on his speech, early voting

United States  of America President Barack Obama President Barack Obama's private airplane lands in downtown Cleveland at Burke Lakefront Airport before a cheering crowd of 12, 000 Obama supporters Thursday night, Oct. 25. The president spoke for nearly a half and hour and told the audience that winning Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, and  Ohio is critical to the election The Cone sisters (Ilama, Randi and Susie) with their friend Jenny (2nd from left). The women, all residents of greater Cleveland, were among 12,000 Obama supporters that came out to hear a campaign speech by the president Thursday night at Burke Lakefront Airport in Cleveland, Oh. Colin Powell, the first Black U.S. Secretary of State, who served under former president George W. Bush, and the former Joint Chiefs of Staff under Bush who, on Oct 25, announced his endorsement of President Barack Obama. A Black Republican and a scholar, Powell also endorsed Obama in 2008.  By Johnett...

Obama visits Cleveland, Ohio tonight after winning third and final debate Monday night, free tickets to hear him speak are all gone

By Kathy Wray Coleman, Executive Publisher, Editor, Cleveland Urban News. Com and The Cleveland Urban News.Com Blog ( ) CLEVELAND, Ohio- After coming off of a win where polls showed that he trampled Republican Presidential Nominee Mitt Romey during the third and final presidential debate, which was Monday night on foreign affairs at Lynn University in New York, President Barack Obama will speak to grassroots supporters Thursday night at Burke Lakefront Airport in downtown Cleveland, OH.  "The president was on his A game during the debate Monday night and Mitt Romney was all over the place with mumble jumble and cowboy diplomacy," said state Rep. John E. Barnes Jr (D-12), a Cleveland Democrat who said that he will be among a host of Democrats in Ohio, including Cleveland area Black elected officials, that will be out this evening to hear the first Black president of the United States of America speak to the American people.  ...

Cleveland Browns new owner Jimmy Haslam is the new sheriff in town, brings new flavor to Cleveland: Who will stay and who will go? Eagles Joe Banner is new president, CEO for next season, Banner has record and passion for winning football games

By Karl Kimbrough, Sports Writer, Cleveland Urban News.Com  ( ) CLEVELAND, Ohio- Jimmy Haslam III is the new owner of the Cleveland Browns, which became official Oct. 16. And he  brings with him,  a new flavor for the major metropolitan city of Cleveland where professional sports is a draw. A billionaire who was unanimously voted in as the majority owner of the football franchise last week in  Chicago IL., Haslam also  brings a new era of professional football to Cleveland.  He comes experienced in the corporate world, and in football. He made his fortune as president and CEO of Pilot Flying, a nationwide truck stop travel  center based in Knoxville, TN. The former eight percent owner of the Pittsburgh Steelers, Haslam has taken over the Cleveland  Browns in rapid fashion. His hands on approach gives some fans and players alike the feeling that there is a new sheriff in town and th...

Article With Protest Video: Racist voter intimidation billboards owned by Clear Channel that threaten felony, fine and prison to Black, poor voters in Cleveland, Ohio, Wisconsin to come down after protest in Cleveland by Imperial Women, Organize Ohio, Stop Targeting Ohio's Poor, Cleveland Jobs With Justice, Black on Black Crime, Peace in the Hood, other community activist groups, press conference by elected officials, view protest video by Fox 8 News here

The billboard at 35th St and Community College Ave. near Cuyahoga Community College in Cleveland on its predominantly Black east side of town in the impoverished Central Neighborhood where Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson lives that was taken down on Oct. 22 by the advertising company  Clear  Channel Outdoor Holdings Inc.  after outcries by Black elected officials and a protest by community activists. Activists and Cleveland area councilpersons and state legislators had called  the billboard and 29 others around Cleveland like it racist, unconstitutional, voter suppression and voter intimidation of Ohio communities that have a large number of poor and minority voters. A press conference by Black elected officials and a picket by community activist groups such as The Imperial Women, Black on Black Crime, Peace in the Hood, Stop Targeting Ohio's Poor and Organize Ohio  over the aforementioned Clear Channel billboard was h...