Ohio State Senator Shirley Smith writes editorial against Cleveland schools property tax levy, says it hurts Cleveland taxpayers, lacks student- based outcomes, that unconstitutional school funding formula that hurts poor children should be fixed first, she wants mechanism to monitor educational outcomes

Ohio State Senator Shirley Smith, a Cleveland Democrat representing Ohio's 21st legislative district From the Metro Desk of Cleveland Urban News.Com and The Cleveland Urban News.Com Blog, Ohio's Most Read Online Black Newspaper ( www.clevelandurbannews.com ) Guest Columnist: State Senator Shirley A. Smith (pictured), a Cleveland Democrat, represents Ohio's 21st District. By Ohio State Senator Shirley Smith (D-21), Guest Columnist CLEVELAND, Ohio -Clevelanders are now voting on Issue 107, a 15-mill levy for the Cleveland [Municipal] School District. Its fate will have huge repercussions for students and taxpayers. (Editor's note: The Cleveland schools are controlled by Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson per state law and the schools 15- mill operating levy is on the Nov. 6 ballot for either approval or disapproval by Cleveland voters, a majority of whom are Black). I oppose the Cleveland plan for multiple reasons. It lacks stude...