
Showing posts with the label immigration

REPRINT ARTICLE AS PRESIDENT TRUMP CONTINUES TO HARASS MIGRANT FAMILIES AND THEIR CHILDREN: Black activist speakers Bishop Tony Minor and Brenda Adrine steal the show at the Families Belong Together rally in Cleveland June 30, Adrine representing the Imperial Women Coalition and other Cleveland activist groups and Minor representing Black Cleveland activists....Bishop MInor said that Black activists support the Families Belong Together movement and that "Black people have faced separation from our land, separation from our culture, separation from our freedom, and separation from our parents, the cruel brutality of separation on a slave box" ....Adrine said that the mainstream media must join the African-American press in promoting stories regarding Black migrants and refugees from places such as Africa, Haiti and the Caribbean....By editor Kathy Wray Coleman of ClevelandUrbanNews.Com and the KathyWrayColemanOnlineNewsBlog.Com , Ohio's most read digital Black newspapers with some 5 million readers on Google Plus alone

Cleveland activists Brenda Williams Adrine and Bishop Tony Minor Thousands protest President Donald Trump's immigration policies at a rally on Public Square in downtown Cleveland on June 30, 2018, one of several protests across the country that day                       Patty Terstenyak (far left) with Danielle McCullough (far right) at the rally Community activist Brenda Williams Adrine speaks to thousands at the "Families Belong Togther" rally in Cleveland, Ohio on June 30, 2018, one of several protests across the nation that day in opposition to President Donald Trump's immigration policies ClevelandUrbanNews.Com and the   KathyWrayColemanOnlineNewsBlog.Com , Ohio's most read digital Black newspapers with some 5 million readers on Google Plus alone. And the ClevelandUrbanNews.Com website stats reveal some 26 million hits since 2012. Tel: (216) 659-0473. Email: Kathy Wr...

President Trump bows to pressure from Congresswoman Kaptur, others, and reverses on separating immigrant families at the border, Kaptur saying that Trump must "stop the barbaric tactics and stop breaking up working families and come to the table for a productive solution that regularizes labor flow across North America and renegotiates bad trade deals that punish workers both here and abroad," a comment issued to ClevelandUrbanNews.Com and the KathyWrayColemanOnlineNewsBlog.Com, Ohio's most read digital Black newspapers, Tel: (216) 659-0473. Email: editor Kathy Wray Coleman

  United States President Donald Trump and Ohio Ninth Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur, a Toledo Democrat whose ninth congressional congressional district extends to Cleveland, Ohio, and an outspoken critic of Trump's immigration policies that have caused a national uproar in recent weeks ClevelandUrbanNews.Com and the   KathyWrayColemanOnlineNewsBlog.Com , Ohio's most read digital Black newspapers with some 5 million readers on Google Plus alone. And the ClevelandUrbanNews.Com website stats reveal some 26 million hits since 2012. Tel: (216) 659-0473. Email: Kathy Wray Coleman, editor-in-chief, and who trained for 17 years at the Call and Post Newspaper in Cleveland, Ohio. We interviewed former president Barack Obama one-on-one when he was campaigning for president. As to the Obama interview, CLICK HERE TO READ THE ENTIRE ARTICLE AT CLEVELAND URBAN NEWS.COM, OHIO'S LEA DER IN BLACK DIGITAL NEWS . CLEVELANDURBANNEWS.COM-WASHINGTON, D.C. ...