Black Women's PAC announces endorsements for the November 4, 2014 election in Ohio and Cuyahoga County, the group makes no endorsement for governor, endorses, among others, and for some hotly contested races Nina Turner, Connie Pilich, Armond Budish, Francine Goldberg, read the full list of endorsements here for statewide, state legislative, congressional, and judicial elections and for open seats on Cuyahoga County Council, By Cleveland Urban News.Com, Ohio's leader in Black digital news, paid for by the BLACK Women's PAC, Una H.R. Kennon, president

BLACK WOMEN’S POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE ENDORSEMENT RESULTS FOR THE NOVEMBER 4, 2014 GENERAL ELECTION IN OHIO AND CUYAHOGA COUNTY (THE BWPAC WAS FOUNDED IN 1983 AND IS OHIO'S LARGEST AND MOST PROMINENT BLACK WOMEN'S POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE) Paid for by the Black Women's PAC, Una H.R. Keenon, president To advertise with Cleveland Urban News.Com, Ohio's leader in Black digital news, email us at and call us by phone at (216) 659-0473 ( ) / ( ) Una H.R. Keenon, BWPAC president (pictured below) (Editor's Note: Not all the offices up for grabs have endorsements, which came following review and voting by members of the BWPAC on September 13, 2014. The common pleas judge endorsements are for open seats in Cuyahoga...