Cuyahoga County Executive candidate state Representative Armond Budish meets with community activists, activists discuss Prosecutor McGinty, violence against women resources, foreclosures, necessary state law amendments, judicial propriety, jobs, 137 shots deadly Cleveland police shooting, public official malfeasance, the flaws in the Cuyahoga County Grand Jury process

State Representative Armond Budish (D-8), the Democratic candidate for Cuyahoga County executive. A lawyer and former state House Speaker and Minority Leader, Budish is the front-runner for the top job in the heavily Democratic Cuyahoga County, which includes the largely Black city of Cleveland, Ohio. He faces Republican Jack Schron, a millionaire district six county council member, in the upcoming November general election . Budish recently met with greater Cleveland community activists leaders relative to his candidacy to seek to lead Cuyahoga County, Ohio's largest of 88 counties with voter influence in presidential elections. Ohio remains a pivotal state as the 2016 presidential election looms. From The Metro Desk of Cleveland Urban News. Com and The Cleveland Urban News.Com Blog, O hio's Most Read Online Black Newspaper and Newspaper Blog, Tel: (216) 659-0473 ( www....