Community activists to picket Cleveland Heights Police Department, Black Judge A. Deane Buchanan for police, prosecutorial and judicial harassment and racial profiling of Black activists and Black people....Attorney J Alex Morton will also be picketed for ineffective assistance of counsel and harassment of Black activists and Black people as his clients in Cleveland Heights....Community activists also want a U.S. Department of Justice investigation for police reforms in suburban Cuyahoga County, which would follow a consent decree for police reforms between the city of Cleveland and the U.S. Department of Justice......By editor Kathy Wray Coleman (pictured) of, Ohio's Black digital news leader

Activist and journalist Kathy Wray Coleman, editor -in-chief of ) / ( ). Ohio's most read Black digital newspaper and Black blog.Tel: (216) 659-0473 and Email: Cleveland Heights Municipal Court Judge A. Deane Buchanan A message from activist and journalist Kathy Wray Coleman of and the Imperial Women Coalition: Community activists will picket the Cleveland Heights Police Department, Attorney J. Alex Morton, and its Black judge the first week in January. Data show that White cops there are following Black activists in cars and arresting them without probable cause or reasonable suspicion and then the judge there, A. Deane Buchanan, is denying them indigent counsel at the arraignment stage and sometimes otherwise, and, sometimes a speedy trial. He is also getting them alone and asking them to plead guilty, which...