Funeral services are Saturday, May 25, 9:30 am, for educator, activist and radio and cable television personality Gloria Makeda Judkins Cade at Pernel Jones Funeral Home in Cleveland, Cade produced and hosted "Black Women Talk" on WERE 1300 AM Radio in Cleveland, she fought with other activists and won free public access for Black community of greater Cleveland on radio, cable television

Gloria Makeda Judkins Cade By Kathy Wray Coleman, editor-in-chief, Cleveland Urban News.Com and The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com, Ohio's No 1 and No 2 online Black newspapers ( ) Reach Cleveland Urban News.Com by email at and by phone at 216-659-0473 CLEVELAND, Ohio-Funeral services for Gloria Makeda Judkins Cade , 88, of East Cleveland, OH, who died on May 15 at the Fairfax Nursing Home in Cleveland after a long illness, will be held on Saturday, May 25 at Pernel Jones Funeral Home in Cleveland, 7120 Cedar Ave., with a wake at 9:00 am and the funeral at 9:30 am. Speakers at the funeral services include Black women activists Cleveland Ward 6 Councilwoman Mamie Mitchell, Genevieve Mitchell of the Carl Stokes Brigade and the Cleveland Chapter NAACP, and local journalist Kathy Wray Coleman of the Imperial Women. Mrs. Cade was a respected wife, mother, educator, community act...