Community activists rally at Cleveland City Hall against police killings, call for Mayor Jackson to fire safety director McGraft, Flask, Jackson has a fixation with White men, before recently hiring a Black police chief he had no Blacks as law director, safety director, chief prosecutor, chief of police and ems commissioner with support from Black preachers, the Cleveland NAACP

Community Activist Dionne Thomas Carmichael holds a protest sign in support of Tamir Rice, the 12-year-old Black boy gunned down by a White Cleveland cop on Nov 22 at a public park on the city's largely White west side for sporting a toy pellet gun. From left Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson, safety director Michael McGraft and former safety director Martin Flask, now a chief executive assistant to the mayor. Data show that Jackson, who is Black, protects these White men at any costs, even rehiring them after both retired, and paying them annual salaries in excess of $120,000 a piece. Before recently hiring a Black police chief following calls for diversity in the top brass by community activists, the Black mayor had no Blacks as law director, safety director, chief prosecutor, chief of police, and ems commissioner in the predominantly Black major metropolitan city, insensitiv...