Greater Cleveland activists to picket the Cuyahoga County Jail January 8 over some 8 unexplained jail deaths and following a picket last week at the home of Cuyahoga County Executive Armond Budish, who oversees the jail .... The protest will be led by Puncture the Silence, Black Lives Matter and the Ohio Student Association....By editor Kathy Wray Coleman of and, Ohio's most read Black digital newspaper and Black blog and , Ohio's most read Black digital newspaper and Black blog with some 5 million views on Google Plus alone.Tel: (216) 659-0473 and Email: Kathy Wray Coleman, editor-in-chief, and who trained for 17 years at the Call and Post Newspaper in Cleveland, Ohio. We interviewed former president Barack Obama one-on-one when he was campaigning for president. As to the Obama interview, CLICK HERE TO READ THE ENTIRE ARTICLE AT CLEVELAND URBAN NEWS.COM, OHIO'S LEADER IN BLACK DIGITAL NEWS . Official Women's March Cleveland Anniversary: Jan 19, 2019 . By Kathy Wray Coleman, editor-in-chief CLEVELANDURBANNEWS.COM-CLEVELAND, Ohio -An activist coalition, led by Puncture the Silence Cleveland, Black Lives Matter Cleveland, and the Ohio Student Association, will picket the Cuyahoga County Jail at the Justice Center in downtown Cleveland at noon on Tuesday, Jan 8. "Another detainee wit...