
Showing posts with the label grassroots opposition

Imperial Women object to Cleveland city officials changing the name of Imperial Ave where Serial Killer Anthony Sowell strangled, raped and murdered 11 Black women, say women's group, taxpayers not consulted, will picket calling the proposed gesture sexist and insensitive, say two prominent male ministers chosen by Mayor Jackson are leading project and did not invite grassroots, elected officials, women that fought for public policy changes around the murders to the table

Convicted Serial Killer of 11 Black Women On Imperial Ave in Cleveland Anthony Sowell, whose rape and murder convictions are on appeal and who is awaiting the death penalty for his heinous crimes By Kath y Wray Coleman, Editor, Cleveland Urban News. Com and The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News ( ) and ( )   CLEVELAND, Ohio-The Imperial Women, a majority female grassroots group founded around the unprecedented murders of 11 Black women by since convicted serial killer Anthony Sowell on Imperial Ave. in Cleveland, Oh., are voicing opposition to efforts by City of Cleveland officials to change the name of the street where the women were raped, strangled and murdered, asking if all streets of Cleveland where women were raped, strangled and murdered partly because of malfeasance by city officials and police will be changed to different names, and why Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson chose two Black male prominent a