
Showing posts from February, 2010

Protest Set Where Black College Student Is On Trial For Alleged Police Assault After Police Allegedly Beat Her And Call Her A Nigger

Cuyahoga County Court Of Common Pleas Judge Stuart Friedman From the Metro Desk of the Determiner Weekly. Com and the Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog and Media Network To all media and others. Below is a press statement that I received from Sharon Dannan regarding the upcoming protest relative to the two Black women on trial in the Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas for alleged assault on two White Cleveland police officers (Rebecca Whitby Sr. and Rebecca Whitby Jr.) and for me. The younger Whitby, who is 23 years old and a collge student, was allegedly beaten and called a "nigger" by police prior to being charged, according to an elderly White neighbor. We urge the media and Black leaders to stand up relative to this serious matter and would again ask Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson to lodge an investigation of police conduct around this issue. Read Danann's statement below where she is a Harvard educated activist and a long time fighter for the disenfranchised,...

Parents, Community Activists Camp Over Night In Front Of East High School To Protest Its Slated Closing

Cleveland, Ohio Mayor Frank G. Jackson Cleveland Public Schools CEO Dr. Eugene Sanders By Kathy Wray Coleman Editor of the Determiner Weekly.Com and the Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog and Media Network (Cleveland, Ohio Area News) A group of about 100 parents and community activists led by Cleveland Ward 7 Councilman T.J. Dow and Cleveland schools parent Donna Brown camped out in front of East High School on East 79th St. and Superior Ave. Sunday evening to protest the slated closing of the majority Black school. Armed with an on hand D.J., fried chicken, hot chocolate, heated tents, and an itching to take schools CEO Dr. Eugene Sanders and Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson to task on the issue, the group chanted “save our school,” gave speeches, and called for Jackson and Sanders to join them at the over night rally. “Come on down Mayor Jackson and Mr. Sanders” said Larry Pool, an East High parent. “We are calling you out and we will recall the mayor if we have to. You will not close ...

Mason Loses Appeal Against Judge Russo And Must Produce Alleged Confidential Informant In Activist Art McKoy's Drug Case

Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Bill Mason Community Activist Art McKoy By Kathy Wray Coleman Editor of the Determiner Weekly.Com and the Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog and Media Network (Cleveland, Ohio Area News) In a 13 page opinion released on Thursday, a three-judge panel of the Ohio Eighth District Court of Appeals unanimously upheld an order issued last year by Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Judge Nancy Margaret Russo for prosecutors to immediately give up the identity before trial of an alleged confidential informant in the pending drug case against Community Activist Art McKoy. On behalf of the State of Ohio county prosecutor Bill Mason had appealed Russo's decision arguing that the judge abused her discretion in granting McKoy's motion for identity of the alleged informant and that the alleged informant and his or her family would be subjected to physical harm unless prosecutors could withhold his or her identity from defense counsel until after the trial begins, which ...

Cleveland Judge Kathleen Keough Accused Of More Corruption And Harassment Against Black Journalist As Is Clerk Turner

Cleveland Municipal Court Judge Kathleen Ann Keough From the Metro Desk of The Determiner Weekly.Com and The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog and Media Network (Cleveland, Ohio Area News) Attorney Wayne Kerek has accused Cleveland Municipal Court Judge Kathleen Ann Keough and Cleveland Clerk of Court Earl B. Turner of acting in cooperation with one another to illegally have his client's bond raised from 10 percent of $3 thousand, which would have been $300, to $5 thousand cash as 10 percent of an unidentified overall bond figure on an allegedly illegal warrant issued by the judge, a local journalist claims. Keough, on Sept. 25, 2009, issued a bench warrant with a 10 percent bond of $3 thousand for African-American Journalist Kathy Wray Coleman, who did not reappear before the judge for sentencing following a two day trial in May of 2009 where the judge is accused of orchestrating an illegal resisting arrest verdict even though sole White male arresting peace officer Gerald Pace...

Congresswoman Marcia Fudge To Attend 11th Congressional District Caucus Meeting, Saturday, Feb 13 Around County Reform Issue 6

Ohio 11th Congressional District Congresswoman Marcia Fudge From the Metro Desk Of The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog and Media Network (Cleveland, Ohio Area News) Community Advocate Kenn Dowell requested that the Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog and Media Network print the below press release and community notification relative to a meeting on Saturday, Feb. 13, 2010 around Issue 6 and other community issues. Be there where Issue 6 is one of the most important issues before us this year, particularly for the Black community. Stay home and stay disenfranchised. Press Release and Release to the Residents of the 11th Congressional District and Others:11th Congressional District Caucus Meeting On Saturday With Congresswoman Marcia Fudge The 11 Congressional District Community Caucus is having a caucus meeting on Saturday, Feb. 13, 2010 from 10 am-12 pm. The meeting will be held at the Cleveland Heights Community Center (ice skating rink), 1 Monticello Blvd., Cleveland Heights, Oh....

Judge Keough Cancels Hearing After She And Cleveland Municipal Court Clerk Earl Turner Allegedly Falsify Case Docket To Defame Black Journalist

Cleveland Municipal Clerk Of Court Earle B. Turner Cleveland Municipal Court Judge Kathleen Ann Keough Posted Monday, February 8, 2010 (National and Cleveland, Ohio Area News) From the Metro Desk of The Determiner Weekly.Com and The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog and Media Network Cleveland Municipal Court Judge Kathleen Ann Keough has backed off of an illegal hearing relative to the case of journalist Kathy Wray Coleman that she scheduled for Tuesday, Feb 9. The canceling of the hearing came after she and Cleveland Municipal Clerk of Court Earle B. Turner were exposed of alleged impropriety in the online news magazines the Determiner Weekly.Com and the Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog and Media Network. Coleman says she was notified of the canceling of the hearing by her attorney of record, Wayne Kerek, by telephone. "We are pleased that Judge Keough has decided to follow the law and cancel her illegally schedued hearing for Tuesday and we urge the FBI to investigate this...

A.G. Bell's Parents Demand That The School, Which Is Second In Academics District Wide, Remain Open

Community Activist Willie Stokes Cleveland Public Schools CEO Dr. Eugene Sanders Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson Posted Friday, February 5, 2010 (Cleveland, Ohio Area News) By Kathy Wray Coleman Editor of The Determiner Weekly.Com and The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog and Media Network A packed house of parents and other supporters of A.G. Bell K-8 School took on Cleveland schools CEO Dr. Eugene Sanders Thursday evening relative to the slated closing of the school and 17 others for June, with a community activist targeting the district's chief educational leader in saying what's good for the goose is good for the gander. “If 75 percent of the schools are in academic watch, you should be on probation,” said Willie Stokes, a community organizer who resides down the street from the school, which is located on Larchmere Ave. in Cleveland's Ward 6, and on the Shaker Heights, Oh. border line. “SOS,” said Ward 6 Councilwoman Mamie Mitchell. “Save our school system and save our...

Judge Keough Refuses To Lift Illegal Warrant Against Investigative Journalist Kathy Wray Coleman Who Awaits Intervention By Cleveland NAACP

Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson Cleveland Municipal Court Administrative And Presiding Judge Ronald Adrine Cuyahoga County Court Of Common Pleas Administrative And Presiding Judge Nancy Fuerst Cuyahoga County Court Of Common Pleas Judge John O'Donnell Cuyahoga County Court Of Common Pleas Judge Timothy McGinty Cuyahoga County Court Of Common Pleas Judge Nancy McDonnell Cleveland Municipal Court Judge Angela Stokes Cleveland Municipal Court Judge Kathleen Ann Keough Ohio Eighth District Court Of Appeals Judge Larry Jones Cleveland NAACP President and Call and Post General Counsel George Forbes Investigative Journalist And Editor Kathy Wray Coleman Posted Tuesday, February 2, 2010 (National and Cleveland, Ohio Area News) From the Metro Desk of The Determiner Weekly.Com and The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog and Media Network At a hearing on Monday that she scheduled to consider lifting an illegal and retaliatory warrant against African-American Investigative Journalist Kathy Wray ...

Activist Art McKoy's Case To Be Heard By Ohio Eighth District Court Of Appeals In Courtroom Two At 9 AM on Wednesday February 3

Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Bill Mason Community Activist Art McKoy Posted Monday, February 1, 2010 (Cleveland, Ohio Area News) By Kathy Wray Coleman Editor of The Determiner Weekly.Com and The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog and Media Network County Prosecutor Bill Mason's legal team and the legal beagles for Community Activist Art McKoy will give oral arguments before a three-judge panel of the Ohio Eighth District Court of Appeals on Wednesday, Feb 3 at 9 am in courtroom two. At issue is whether prosecutors must give McKoy's attorneys, Rufus Sims and James Hardiman, the name of an alleged confidential informant against him in a pending drug case via discovery and in time to effectively prepare for trial, or whether the name can be withheld until seven days or less before the trial, which has been rescheduled due to the appeal. Discovery is the exchange of material between the parties within a reasonable and specified time before trial that is designated by the trial court...