Why are the Cleveland Browns one and two instead of two and one for the 2014 regular season thus far? Browns head coach Rick Pettine comments, By Cleveland Urban News.Com Sportswriter Karl Kimbrough
By Karl Kimbrough, Cleveland Urban News.Com Sportswriter (kimbrough@clevelandurbannews.com). Cleveland Urban News. Com and The Cleveland Urban News.Com Blog, O hio's Leaders In Black Digital News . Tel: 216-659-0473 ( www.clevelandurbannews.com ) / ( www.kathywraycolemanonlinenewsblog.com ) Cleveland Browns Head Coach Rick Pettine CLEVELAND,Ohio -Take your pick, there were several areas that gave Browns fans an excedrin headache while watching their team gift wrap a victory for the Baltimore Ravens on Sept. 21, a home game where the Browns lost to the Ravens 23-21, and only after a last minute 32-yard field goal by Ravens placekicker Justin Tucker. The Browns are now 2-1 for the 2014 regular season. Before last week's loss to the Ravens, they lost to the Pittsburgh Steelers in the season opener. But they beat the New Orleans Saints by two points two weeks ago. Let' s take a minute to analy...