
Showing posts with the label Black elected officials

Richmond Heights Mayor Miesha Headen is recalled by a 410 vote margin, blames Cuyahoga County Democratic Party, says county Democratic party does not support Black elected officials enough, including the bid by Nina Turner for Ohio Secretary of State, Democratic operative Charles E. Bibb Sr. says the Tea Party is behind the recall

Richmond Heights Mayor Miesha Headen By Kathy Wray Coleman, editor-in-chief, Cleveland Urban News. Com and The Cleveland Urban News.Com Blog, Ohio's Most Read Online Black Newspaper and Newspaper Blog, Tel: (216) 659-0473).   Ka thy Wray Coleman is  a community activist and 20 year investigative journalist who trained for 17 years at the Call and Post Newspaper.  ( ) /   ( ) Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Chairperson Stuart Garson RICHMOND HEIGHTS, Ohio - Democratic Richmond Heights Mayor Miesha Headen, the city's first Black female mayor and the only Black female mayor in Cuyahoga County, was recalled by voters on Tuesday after Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Chairman Stuart Garson would not support her, and after the Cleveland Plain Dealer Newspaper, led by Reporter Sara Dorn, went on a mission to seek her removal from office. ...

Press Release: Press conference, rally and balloon launch, Friday, August 2, 2013, 5 pm by greater Cleveland community activists with Black clergy, Black elected officials, family members of fallen and raped women, intersection near Shaw and Hayden Avenues in East Cleveland

From the Metro Desk of Cleveland Urban News.Com, Ohio's most read online Black newspaper. ( ) and ( ).  Reach Cleveland Urban News.Com by phone at 216-659-0473 and by email at    To: All Media, For Immediate Release, From Kathy Wray Coleman, Imperial Women activists group.  (Note-The women will lead the rally with support from the men since it is a women's issue)    What: Re: Press Conference, rally and balloon launch on behalf of fallen and raped women and women subjected to other acts of violence and to call for federal, state and county assistance from President Obama, Governor Kasich and Cuyahoga County Executive Ed FitzGerald by community activists, Black women and victims families with support from Greater Cleveland Black clergy.  When/Where: Friday, August 2, 2013 at 5 pm  near the intersection of Shaw and Hayden Avenues i...

Press Release: 5pm press conference, balloon launch and rally on Friday, August 2, 2013 near intersection at Shaw and Hayden Avenues in East Cleveland where the bodies of 3 Black women were found for greater Cleveland Black clergy, the Cleveland NAACP, community activists, Black elected officials, others to call for President Obama and Ohio Gov. John Kasich to declare a state of emergency as to missing women and violence against women in Cleveland and East Cleveland, groups want Obama and Kasich to bring in national guard to search abandoned and vacant buildings for missing women, groups also want other resources, and for a countywide missing persons unit and center, rally organizers include the United Pastors in Mission, the East Cleveland Concerned Pastors for Progress, the Baptist Ministers Alliance, Imperial Women, Audacity of Hope Foundation, Oppressed People's Nation, Peace in the Hood, the Task Force for Community Mobilization, the Carl Stokes Brigade, the Greater Cleveland Immigrant Support Network, Stop Targeting Ohio's Poor, the Women's Federation

From the Metro Desk of Cleveland Urban News.Com, Ohio's most read online Black newspaper. ( ) and ( ).  Reach Cleveland Urban News.Com by phone at 216-659-0473 and by email at    CLEVELAND, Ohio- The United Pastors in Mission, East Cleveland Concerned Pastors for Progress, and the Baptist Ministers Conference will hold a press conference, balloon launch and rally with Cleveland NAACP officials, community activists and Black elected officials on Friday August 2, 2013 at the southwest corner of the intersection of Shaw and Hayden Avenues in East Cleveland near where the bodies of 3 Black women were found two weeks ago by police in a fetal position and in plastic bags.  Greater Cleveland's Black clergy, led by Bishop Tony Minor of Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry in Cleveland, Pastor David Hunter of Bright Star Missio...

Fox 8 News Reporter Allison Brown covers Third Anniversary of The Imperial Avenue Murders Rally and Vigil with community activists, Black elected officials

Convicted Serial Killer Of 11 Black Women Anthony Sowell From the Metro Desk of Cleveland Urban News.Com and The Cleveland Urban News.Com Blog  ( ) CLEVELAND, Ohio-Many community activists and Clevelanders rallied and prayed on Saturday, Oct 27 at the site of the since demolished home on Imperial Ave in Cleveland, Oh of Convicted Serial Killer Anthony Sowell to remember the 11 Black women that he murdered and dismembered. Sowell was convicted last year of 82 of 83 counts, including multiple counts of aggravated murder of the Imperial women, and the rape of three other Black women at his then home on the city's predominantly Black east side of town. His convictions and death penalty sentence are currently on appeal before the Ohio Eighth District Court of Appeals.  Rally speakers include State Sen. Nina Turner (D-25), state Reps John Barnes Jr. (D-12) and Bill Patmon (D-10), C...

Article With Protest Video: Racist voter intimidation billboards owned by Clear Channel that threaten felony, fine and prison to Black, poor voters in Cleveland, Ohio, Wisconsin to come down after protest in Cleveland by Imperial Women, Organize Ohio, Stop Targeting Ohio's Poor, Cleveland Jobs With Justice, Black on Black Crime, Peace in the Hood, other community activist groups, press conference by elected officials, view protest video by Fox 8 News here

The billboard at 35th St and Community College Ave. near Cuyahoga Community College in Cleveland on its predominantly Black east side of town in the impoverished Central Neighborhood where Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson lives that was taken down on Oct. 22 by the advertising company  Clear  Channel Outdoor Holdings Inc.  after outcries by Black elected officials and a protest by community activists. Activists and Cleveland area councilpersons and state legislators had called  the billboard and 29 others around Cleveland like it racist, unconstitutional, voter suppression and voter intimidation of Ohio communities that have a large number of poor and minority voters. A press conference by Black elected officials and a picket by community activist groups such as The Imperial Women, Black on Black Crime, Peace in the Hood, Stop Targeting Ohio's Poor and Organize Ohio  over the aforementioned Clear Channel billboard was h...

California's Black Attorney General Kamala Harris visits Cleveland, thanks Obama campaign volunteers, does one-on-one interview with Cleveland Urban News.Com, says Romney's tax plan hurts middle class, Black community, meets with Black elected officials at the offices of Call and Post Newspaper

California Attorney General Kamala Harris By Kathy Wray Coleman, Associate Publisher, Editor, Cleveland Urban News.Com and the Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com ( www.kathywraycoleman ) and ( ) CLEVELAND, Ohio-California Attorney General Kamala Harris, the first Black to win a statewide election there, flew to Cleveland from San Francisco last week to thank Obama campaign volunteers, and to warn Blacks that Mitt Romney's proposed tax plan is what she dubs elitist and hostile to middle class Americans and the Black community, particularly in comparison to the tax platform the president offers. "The president has created jobs outside of the corporate tax policy and wants tax reform, and Mitt Romney wants to raise taxes on the middle class, cut taxes for the richest Americans, and eliminate cuts to college tuition." said Harris, who added that she is African American and proud of it, a comment that came...

Updated: President Obama to visit Cleveland this week, June 14, 2012, get free tickets in 1 of 4 locations, Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Vice Chair Blaine Griffin announces public meeting Monday in Cleveland for African American Black leaders for Obama, president's upcoming visit to Cleveland comes a week after Republican Governor John Kasich meets with Cleveland area Black elected officials per request of former Cleveland NAACP president and current Call and Post Newspaper general counsel George Forbes

United States President Barack Obama By Kath y Wray Coleman, Editor, Cleveland Urban News. Com and The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com ( ) and ( ) CLEVELAND, Ohio-President Barack Obama will visit the recreation center at Cuyahoga Community College in Cleveland at E. 38th St and Community College Ave. in the early afternoon on Thurs., Obama for America campaign officials announced Sun. The campaign event is free and open to the public. T ickets are needed to attend and can be picked up one-person-a-ticket- beginning at  5 p.m. on Mon at the Tri-C recreation center; Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Headquarters, 1466 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland; and campaign offices at 13100 Shaker Square in Cleveland and 5734 Ridge Road in Parma. Blaine Griffin, Vice Chair of the Cuyahoga County Democratic Party Meanwhile, African-American Cleveland area Black elected officials and other Bl...