
Showing posts from October, 2016

Cleveland NAACP to hold election for president, other branch offices on November 1, 2016 as current president Michael Nelson Sr. is unopposed....By editor-in-chief Kathy Wray Coleman ....Ohio's most read digital Black newspaper

Cleveland NAACP President Michael Nelson Sr., who is unopposed for reelection on Tuesday, November 1, 2016, when the local Civil Rights organization will hold its election for branch offices and the executive committee from 5 pm- 9 pm at the University Circle United Methodist Church in Cleveland Pictured are Cleveland NAACP first vice president James Hardiman (wearing turtleneck sweater), former C leveland NAACP president the  Rev. Hilton Smith, whom current president Michael Nelson Sr. succeeded (in red tie),  former Cleveland NAACP first vice president the  Rev. Dr. E. Theophilus Caviness  (in red bow-ti e) , former Cleveland NAACP Third Vice President Sara J. Harper,  a retired Ohio 8th District Court of Appeals judge who lost a bid for branch president against Nelson in 2015,  and George Forbes, a former longtime Cleveland NAACP president and former Cleveland City Council president whom Smith succeeded. ( ) / ...

Imperial Avenue Murders 7th anniversary rally is October 29, 2016: Imperial Women Coalition, other activists, Black elected officials, including state Representative Stephanie Howse and councilmen Ken Johnson and Mamie Mitchell, to host 7th anniversary of Imperial Avenue Murders rally on October 29, 2016 at 4:45 pm on Imperial Avenue in Cleveland as serial killer Anthony Sowell seeks a new trial and women's issues are gaining national attention....Also at issue are East Cleveland serial killer Michael Madison and the still at large Cleveland East 93rd Street serial murderer....For rally info call Imperial Women Coalition Leader Kathy Wray Coleman at 216-659-0473 and Black on Black Crime President Al Porter at 216-804-7462....Other activist groups include Peace in the Hood, Stop Targeting Ohio's Poor, the Million Women March Cleveland, and the Carl Stokes Brigade...."Stop the Violence, Save Our Women"

Convicted serial killer and death row inmate Anthony Sowell The 11 Black women (pictured above) murdered on Imperial Avenue in Cleveland by convicted serial killer and death row inmate Anthony Sowell. Sowell, his lawyers, and the ACLU want the Ohio Supreme Court to order a new trial on appeal (Editor's note: See full pictures of the 11 Black female murder victims with their names at the end of this article. Community activists vow to keep up the fight until Sowell is brought swiftly to justice). ( )/   ( ). By Kathy Wray Coleman, community activist and editor-in-chief. CLEVELAND URBAN NEWS.COM-CLEVELAND, Ohio-  Local community activist groups  and Black elected officials , led by the Imperial Women Coalition and Black on Black Crime Inc, will host the 7th Anniversary of the Imperial Avenue Murders rally and vigil on Saturday, Oc...