Corrupt and racist University Heights Mayor Susan Infeld is booted from office by voters following claims of spending irregularities of taxpayers money, racism against Black residents, police abuse of Blacks as city safety director, and of running a theft ring of county residents homes via illegal foreclosure activity led by JPMorgan Chase Bank.....University Heights is a Cleveland suburb....Others involved in the theft ring or retaliation against homeowners who complain include corrupt common pleas judges such as Judges John O'Donnell and Carolyn Friedland, Chief County Foreclosure Magistrate and University Heights Resident Stephen Bucha, and his wife, an attorney with the law firm of Lerner Sampson and Rothfuss, who represents corrupt mortgage companies and banks, including JP Morgan Chase Bank... Others involved include racist and corrupt University Hts Police Sgt Dale Orians, former county prosecutor Bill Mason, who is a partner with Bricker and Eckler, which represents JPMorgan Chase Bank, and current County Prosecutor Mike O'Malley, who was Mason's deputy....Drunken Shaker Heights Judge KJ Montgomery, who also hears criminal cases for University Hts, has Blacks illegally prosecuted who complain of the theft of their homes, as does O'Malley..... Judge Montgomery is top in issuing excessive and illegal warrants against the Black community....All of the aforementioned are corrupt and activists want them indicted and prosecuted....This is Part 1 of a multi-part series on Cuyahoga County public corruption by and, Ohio's most read Black digital newspaper and Black blog with some 5 million views on Google Plus alone.Tel: (216) 659-0473 and Email:

Ousted University Heights Mayor Susan Infeld, whom voters booted out of office Tuesday evening following claims of racism against Black residents, and alleged theft in office, and because she is running a theft ring in the city of illegal foreclosures on the homes of Cuyahoga County residents along with a corrupt and racist police department that she leads as safety director. Also in on the corruption are University Heights resident and Cuyahoga County Chief Foreclosure Magistrate Stephen Bucha, and his wife, a lawyer with the foreclosure law firm of Lerner, Sampson and Rothfuss, data show. Several others are also involved in the theft ring of homes, including Shaker Heights Judge KJ Montgomery, Common Pleas Judges John O'Donnell and Carolyn Friedland, the office of the county sheriff, former county prosecutor Bill Mason, and current county prosecutor Mike O'Malley, Mason's former deputy. Blacks that complain are maliciously prosecuted in Shaker Heights court and in Cuya...