Corrupt Brelo Judge John O'Donnell tries to steal $140,000 University Heights home of community activist and journalist Kathy Wray Coleman to hand to JPMorgan Chase Bank for $36,000 under a fake name without Chase suing her and after its case was dismissed by Chase before Judge Friedland...Coleman says that O'Donnell has stalked and sexually harassed her for 12 years and is mentally unhinged....Chase has no interest in the home otherwise because it had no notary when it bought the loan in 2005 and Coleman owns in out right, the Ohio attorney general has said....Coleman says that congresspersons Fudge and Kaptur and U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown are aware of the public corruption....University Heights police and Chase broke into the home for O'Donnell, stole property, and are keeping it hidden from Coleman.... O'Donnell, says Coleman, in anticipation of his racist Cleveland Police Officer Michael Brelo manslaughter verdict, sent five White University Heights cops pointing guns and rifles to stalk and shoot her at the home on May 15 as she and two handy men were repairing the home....Theft of Cuyahoga County residents homes by O'Donnell, other judges, and county officials is rampant and a multi-million dollar criminal enterprise....By Cleveland Urban News.Com, Ohio's leader in Black digital news
Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas Judge John O'Donnell By Cleveland Urban News. Com and The Cleveland Urban News.Com Blog, O hio's Most Read Online Black Newspaper and Newspaper Blog, Tel: (216) 659-0473. Email: ( ) / ( ). UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS, Ohio - Brelo trial Judge John O'Donnell tried to steal the $140,000 University Heights home of community activist and longtime journalist Kathy Wray Coleman to hand to JPMorgan Chase Bank under a fake name for $36,000, without Chase suing, and even though its frivolous case against her was voluntarily dismissed in 2010 by common pleas Judge Carolyn Friedland at Chase's request (Editor's note: Michael Brelo is on trial before corrupt Judge O'Donnell and faces two counts of manslaughter for gunning down unarmed Blacks Malissa Williams and Timothy Russell in 2012. He fired 49 of the 137 shots that a total of 13