Zimmerman jailed again after judge revokes bond for lying about finances in case of alleged murder of unarmed Black teen Trayvon Martin, Black community quiets down, young Cleveland area activist groups like the Oppressed People's Nation continue the fight, seasoned greater Cleveland activist groups such as the Imperial Women Coalition, Black on Black Crime Inc. and Peace in the Hood still monitoring the case.

Trayvon Martin Anger over the killing of the Black teen has generated nationwide protests but has subsided in recent weeks SANDFORD, Florida--Accused teen murderer George Zimmerman, a racist White volunteer community watchman who gunned down the unarmed 17-year old Trayvon Martin earlier this year in a suburban neighborhood in Sandford, Fl. and was charged in April with second degree murder after outcries of an injustice by the Black community and others, was jailed again on Sun. after a judge revoked his bond, saying he lied about his finances. George Zimmerman Florida judge Kenneth Lester ruled that Zimmerman, 28, lied about monies he got from a promotional website around the murder and last week revoked his $150 thousand bail, and ordered him to report to jail by the end of the week. Meanwhile, not all is quiet on the Black front of a once enraged Black community on ...