"My Brother Marvin" stage play about the life and tragic death of iconic soul singer Marvin Gaye gets 4 stars... A tastefully done and entertaining play with Clifton Powell stealing the show as Marvin Gaye's father Marvin Gay Sr, it is a must see theater production ...A critique by Cleveland Urban News.Com Editor-In-Chief Kathy Wray Coleman

Actor Tony Grant, left, who plays a young Marvin Gaye in the theatrical drama "My Brother Marvin" rehearses for a duet in the play with actress Lia Grant, who plays the late singer Tammi Terrell CLEVELAND,Ohio- Cleveland Urban News.Com News Brief www.clevelandurbannews.com , and www.kathywraycolemanonlinenewsblog.com , Ohio s most read online Black newspaper A Critique By Editor-In-Chief Kathy Wray Coleman of the Stage Play "My Brother Marvin," Which Debuted On Thursday, March 21 At The State Theatre in Cleveland, Ohio And Ran Through Sunday, March 24 Theater Critic and Cleveland Urban News.Com Editor-In-Chief Kathy Wray Coleman CLEVELAND, Ohio- The life of the late Marvin Gaye, one of the most talented soul and R&B singers of all time, came alive momentarily at The State Theatre in Cleveland last week in Geola Gaye's "My Brother Marvin," a stage play written by play-write Angela Barrow Dunlap and directed by Cli...