Ohio Democratic Party chair David Pepper speaks on party's new vision to Dems in Cleveland Heights, says Blacks, Black leaders are loyal Democrats who will be supported by the party, other forum panelists were ODP vice chair Rhine McLin, Nina Turner, and Billy Sharp, voting rights are still paramount says Pepper, who said that Hillary Clinton will likely run for president

Ohio Democratic Party Chairman David Pepper (far right), ODP Vice Chairwoman Rhine McLin (third from right), who is also a former Dayton, Ohio mayor, ODP Political Engagement Chairwoman Nina Turner (second from left), who is also a former state senator, Northeast Ohio Chapter of the Ohio Young Black Democrats President Billy Sharp (second from right), and other organizers of a political forum held Tuesday evening at the Cleveland Heights Community Center in Cleveland Heights, Ohio. The political event was sponsored by t he Shaker Heights Democrats, Cleveland Stonewall Democrats, Cuyahoga Democratic Women’s Caucus, and the Northeast Ohio Chapter of the Ohio Young Black Democrats. By Johnette Jernigan and Kathy Wray Coleman , Cleveland Urban News.Com and The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.com, Ohio's leaders in Black digital news ( www.clevelandurbannews.com ) / ( www.kathywraycolemanonlinenewsblog.com ) Ohio Democrati...