Eighth District Appellate Panel Hears Oral Arguments In Appeal By Joaquin Hicks In Robbery Of Cleveland Clinic Employees That Led To Murder

Joaquin Hicks Jeremy Pechanec Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas Judge Daniel Gaul Jory Aebly By Kathy Wray Coleman, Editor of The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com(www.kathywraycolemanonlinenewsblog.com) A three-judge panel of the Ohio Eighth District Court of Appeals recently heard oral arguments in the case of Joaquin Hicks, who is serving 61 years to life in prison as the alleged ring leader that planned a robbery that led to the murder and attempted murder two years ago of two Cleveland Clinic employees in an outdoor park plaza across from a downtown Cleveland night club. Hicks, 31, was charged in Sept 2009 in an eight-count indictment alleging one count of aggravated murder, two counts of kidnapping, two counts of aggravated robbery, and one county of attempted murder, all having gun specifications of one to three years. After a two-week trial that ended last March a Cuyahoga County jury found Hicks guilty of two counts of aggravated robbery and Cuyahoga County Court of ...