
Showing posts with the label Imperial murders

Reps Fudge and LaTourette introduce bill to demolish vacant foreclosures after Latasha Jackson, daughter found murdered in vacant Cleveland garage

U.S. Rep. Marcia L. Fudge (D-OH) U.S. Rep. Steve LaTourette (R-OH) Cleveland police Latasha Jackson View full size Cleveland police Chaniya Wynn Cleveland police Thomas Lorde Laura Cowan, an anti-domestic violence advocate, speaks to 19 Action News during a vigil held after the bodies of 19-year-old Latasha Jackson and Jackson's one-year-old daughter Chaniya Wynn were discovered by police in an abandoned garage on Cleveland's majority Black east side. By Kathy Wray Coleman, Editor of Cleveland Urban News.Com and The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com ( ) and ( ) CLEVELAND, Ohio-U.S. Rep. Marcia L. Fudge (D-OH), a Warrensville Hts Democrat whose 11th Congressional District includes inner city communities of Cleveland and Akron, and 14th Congressional District Rep. Steven LaTourette (R-OH), a Republican, announced yesterday that they are co-sponsoring a bi-partisan federal foreclosure relief bill for the ...

Joaquin Hicks homecoming party to be held Wednesday at Black on Black Crime, County Prosecutor Bill Mason under fire by community activists

Joaquin Hicks Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Bill Mason Art McKoy By Kathy Wray Coleman, Editor, Cleveland Urban News.Com and The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com ( ) and ( ) ( CLEVELAND, Ohio-Members of Black on Black Crime, The Oppressed People's Nation, The Imperial Women, The Cleveland Chapter of the New Black Panther Party, The Carl Stokes Brigade, The Lucasville Uprising Freedom Network, Revolution Books, Stop Targeting Ohio's Poor, The People's Forum and a host of other community activists will hold a homecoming celebration on Wed., March 14, at 7 pm at Black on Black Crime Headquarters , 14660 Euclid Ave in East Cleveland, for Joaquin Hicks and his family. (Black on Black Crime Headquarters is at Euclid Ave. and Lee Rd in McCall's Hotel meeting room) The event is closed to the media and the contact is Art McKoy at 216-253-4070. "We thank the comm...

Chardon gunman T.K. Lane charged with murder, funeral for Demetrius Hewlin, the Black student killed, is Tues., Russell's is Thurs.

Chardon High School Gunman Thomas "TJ" Lane Demetrius Hewlin Daniel Parmetor Russell King By Kathy Wray Coleman , Editor of Cleveland Urban News.Com and The Kathy Wray Coleman Online Ne ws Blog,.Com ( ) and ( ) CHARDON, Ohio-Thomas "TJ" Lane, the 17-year-old student that gunned down three students in the Chardon High School cafeteria and wounded two other students, was charged on Thurs. with three juvenile counts of aggravated murder, two counts of attempted aggravated murder and one count of felonious assault. Geauga County Prosecutor David Joyce said that since Lane faces only a few years in a juvenile detention center if convicted as a juvenile of the charges, he intends to charge the teen as an adult . Lane attended an alternative school for students with problems and admitted to police that he took a knife and 22- caliber pistol to school and fired 10 shots before being run out of the sch...

Final Press Release: Protest by Imperial Women, activists against Cleveland NAACP President George Forbes, March 2, 4: 30 pm, 2131 Stokes Blvd,

Cleveland NAACP President George Forbes From the Metro Desk of The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com and Cleveland Urban News.Com ( ) and ( ) Who: Community activists disenchanted with Cleveland NAACP President George Forbes including The Imperial Women, family members of the Imperial Ave. murder victims, People for the Imperial Act, The Joaquin Hicks Real People's Movement, Stop Targeting Ohio's Poor, Ohio Family Rights, People for Parental Equality, The Committee to Bring Home Jamela and Jamyla and members of various other groups such as The Carl Stokes Brigade, Black on Black Crime Inc and The People's Forum. What: Protest and Press Conference Contacts: Marva Patterson at 216-334-7013, Ada Averyhart at 216-938-7891 and Imperial Women Leader Kathy Wray Coleman at 216-932-2114 When: Friday, March 2, 2012 beginning at 4: 30 pm with a press conference at 4: 45 pm. Where: Cleveland NAACP headquarters ...