
Showing posts with the label election suspended

National NAACP suspends election for Cleveland NAACP branch officers for violations of bylaws by the nominating committee per the request of Cleveland NAACP President Hilton Smith, the local chapter is flat broke and has not paid the executive director since June

First row from left:  NAACP National Director of Unit Field Operations and Membership The Rev. Gill Ford, Cleveland NAACP President The Rev. Hilton Smith, and Cleveland NAACP Executive Director Sheila Wright Second row from top from left: Cleveland NAACP Third Vice President Sara J. Harper, Cleveland NAACP Attorney Michael Nelson, and Jocelyn Travis Third row from top from left: Cleveland NAACP Attorney James Hardiman, former Cleveland NAACP executive director Stanley Miller, and Cleveland NAACP Assistant Secretary Marcia McCoy Fourth row from top from left: Cleveland NAACP Secretary Arlene Anderson, Cleveland NAACP First Vice President The Rev E. Theophilus Caviness, and Cleveland NAACP Third Vice President Bishop E.F. Perry Bottom row: Architect Kent Whitley and former Cleveland NAACP president George L. Forbes By   Kathy Wray Coleman, editor-in-chief,  Cleveland Urban News. Com and The Cleveland Urban News.Com Blog,  O hio's Most ...