
Showing posts with the label Black Women's Political Action Committee endorsements for November 3

The greater Cleveland, Ohio Black Women's -PAC announces endorsements for the November 3, 2015 general election, and endorses Cuyahoga County Issue 8 while opposing statewide marijuana legalization Issue 3....Cleveland Black judges Hewitt, Tarver, Moore and Groves are endorsed, as are Black suburban mayors Brad Sellers and Fletcher Berger...Annette Blackwell, who is Black, is endorsed for Maple Heights mayor, and Ruth Gray, also Black, for South Euclid mayor....In East Cleveland, Councilwoman Thomas is endorsed as are Una H.R. Kennon and Dr. Mary Rice for the East Cleveland Board of Education, and all three of them are Black....Lakewood Judge Patrick Carroll is White but also won an endorsement, as did a few other White Democrats....Read here, the full list of BWPAC endorsements....Paid for by the BWPAC, Una H.R. Keenon, president....By Cleveland Urban News.Com, Ohio's leader in Black digital news

 (These herein noted endorsements are official endorsements of the Black Women's Political Action Committee (BWPAC) and are not those of Cleveland Urban News.Com, which takes no official endorsement position to date, pro or con, of the state or countywide ballot issues or political candidates relative to the November 3, 2015 general election). CLEVELAND URBAN NEWS.COM-CLEVELAND, Ohio- Following are endorsements of the Black Women's Political Action Committee of greater Cleveland (BWPAC) for the November 3, 2015 general election in Cuyahoga County, Ohio,  a county of some 59 municipalities, villages, and townships that includes the largely Black major American city of Cleveland and its neighboring suburbs. The endorsement assessments are relative to select state and countywide  issues on the ballot, including the statewide marijuana legalization issue, of which the organization opposes, and select municipal-l...