
Showing posts with the label Congresswoman Kaptur

Ohio Congresspersons Fudge, Kaptur to boycott Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech today to Congress on Iran's nuclear program, Ohio Governor John Kasich to attend, House Speaker Boehner of Ohio invited Netanyahu to speak without telling President Obama, Fudge comments, says the prime minister's visit "undermines the presidency".....By Cleveland Urban News.Com, Ohio's leader in Black digital news

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Pictured are  11th Congressional District Congresswoman Marcia L. Fudge of Ohio (D-11) (wearing bluish-green suit), 9th Congressional District Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur of Ohio (D-9)  (in blue suit and turtleneck), Ohio Governor John Kasich (R-OH), and United States House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner of Ohio (R-8) (in pink tie) By Kathy Wray Coleman, editor-in-chief, Cleveland Urban News.Com, and the Kathy Wray Coleman Online News, Ohio's most read digital Black newspaper and newspaper blog. Tel: (216) 659-0473.  Coleman is a community activist and 22-year investigative journalist who trained for 17 years at the Call and Post Newspaper in Cleveland, Ohio.   ( ) /   ( )  WASHINGTON, D.C.-11th Congressional District Congresswoman Marcia L. Fudge, a Warrensville Heights Democrat,  and 9th Congressional Dis...

Cleveland NAACP to hold open housing committee meeting January 14, 5:30 pm, Bright Star Missionary Baptist Church with representatives from offices of Congresswomen Fudge and Kaptur, community activists on foreclosures, housing discrimination, too many greater Cleveland women found raped and murdered in and near too many abandoned homes, support for greater Cleveland minority contractors, NAACP to later take public testimony on the issues, subsequent congressional testimony seeking legislative changes is possible

By Kathy Wray Coleman,  Editor-in-Chief, Cleveland Urban News. Com and The Cleveland Urban News.Com Blog, O hio's Most Read Online Black Newspaper and Newspaper Blog    ( ) /   ( ) K athy Wray Coleman is  a community activist and 20 year investigative journalist who trained for 17 years at the Call and Post Newspaper, Ohio's Black press with  print  newspapers  in Cleveland, Cincinnati and Columbus, Ohio CLEVELAND, Ohio- The housing committee of the Cleveland Chapter NAACP will meet with local community activists groups, minority contractors, representatives for two prominent Ohio congresswomen,  and family members of women subjected to violence on Tuesday, January 14, 2014 at 5:30 pm at Bright Star Missionary Baptist Church in East Cleveland, 13028 Shaw Ave. The open meeting will address Cuy...