
Showing posts from 2009

Senate Passes Health Care Bill Backed By Obama

U.S. President Barack Obama Posted Thursday, December 31, 2009 (National News) By Kathy Wray Coleman Editor of The Determiner and The Kathy Wray Coleman On line News Blog and Media Network The Senate on Christmas Eve morning passed a health care reform bill backed by the Obama administration 60 to 39. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which was supported by a majority of Senate Democrats, follows a similar health care reform bill dubbed America's Health Care Reform Act that passed the House Nov. 7. Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-Oh) was among the Democrats that backed the initiative in the House. In response to the Senate's unprecendented passage of the bill President Barack Obama said in a press release to the Determiner the following: “Good morning, everybody.  In a historic vote that took place this morning members of the Senate joined their colleagues in the House of Representatives to pass a landmark health insurance reform package -- le...

Group Protests' Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson Around Imperial Ave. Murders While Plain Dealer Newspaper Falsifies Article And Will Not Quote Blacks

Cleveland, Ohio Mayor Frank G. Jackson Posted Saturday, December 19, 2009 (National and Cleveland, Ohio Area News) From the Metro Desk of The Determiner Weekly and The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog and Media Network Some 43 protesters rallied at the home of Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson on Saturday, in spite of snow and inclement weather. With four to five police cars in view the protesters demanded that Jackson speak up relative to numerous instances of mistreatment of Black women by city officials, including the murders of 11 Black women on Imperial Ave. They also demanded the firings of Cleveland Chief of Police Michael McGrath, Law Director Robert Triozzi, Safety Director Martin Flask, Chief Prosecutor Victor Perez and Public Health Director Matthew Carroll, none of whom are Black and all of whom are accused of alleged malfeasance or negligence around the Imperial Ave. tragedies. “There are no Blacks or women in top leadership roles in law enforcement in spite of a Black mayo...

Cleveland Metro-Health Hospital Pulls Ads Over Aunt Jemima Cartoon While Journalist Says She Was Held At Hospital And Illegally Jailed Over Articles

Accused Rapist And Murderer Of 11 Black Cleveland, Ohio Women Anthony Sowell Cuyahoga County Court Of Common Pleas Judge Shirley Strickland Saffold Cuyahoga County Court Of Common Pleas Judge John O'Donnell Cuyahoga County Court Of Common Pleas Judge Timothy McGinty U.S Rep. Marcia Fudge Of Ohio's 11th Congressional District Cuyahoga County Prosecutor And Issue 6 Crafter Bill Mason Cleveland, Ohio Mayor Frank G. Jackson Cleveland NAACP President And Call And Post General Counsel George Forbes Ohio State Senator Nina Turner (D-25) Cleveland Plain Dealer Newspaper Editor Susan Goldberg Cleveland Call And Post Newspaper Executive Vice President, Associate Publisher and Editor Connie Harper, Center, With Current And Former Call And Post Staff Journalist And Editor Kathy Wray Coleman Posted Thursday, December 17, 2009 (National and Cleveland, Ohio Area News) From the Metro Desk of The Determiner Weekly and The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog And Media Network According to a Plai...

U.S. Rep. Marcia Fudge of Ohio's 11th Congressional District, Which Includes Cleveland, Fights For Universal Health Care For Women

Obama's Christmas Interview With Oprah And His Fallout With Congressional Black Caucus Leader Barbara Lee, And Where Does Rep. Fudge Of Ohio Stand?

U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama U. S. President Barack Obama Media Personality Oprah Winfrey U.S. Rep. Barbara Lee of California's Ninth Congressional District (D-Cali.) U.S. Rep. Marcia Fudge of Ohio's 11th Congressional District (D-Oh.) Posted Sunday, December 13, 2009 (National and Cleveland, Ohio Area News) By Kathy Wray Coleman Editor of the Determiner Weekly.Com and The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog and Media Network President Barack Obama told Oprah Winfrey in a before Christmas interview that aired Sunday evening on ABC that his Christmas gift to his fellow Americans is his message that America is not cheap and its got to be earned, and that it “must return to its seriousness of purpose.” The president also took the opportunity to promote his universal health care initiative, which passed the House of Representatives last month. The controversial health care bill is now before the Senate and Obama has announced publicly that it should pass the Senate floor by Chris...

The Black Community Fools The Mainstream Establishment, Coming Together To Resolve The Controversy Around The Call And Post Aunt Jemima Cartoon

Posted Thursday, December 10, 2009 (National and Cleveland, Ohio Area News) By Kathy Wray Coleman Editor of The Determiner Weekly. Com and The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog and Media Network The United Pastors in Mission on Tuesday buried the hatchet with the Cleveland Call and Post, a historical Black newspaper that targets the Black community, seemingly putting to rest a controversy that the mainstream media sought to dub as dividing the Black community. At issue was a stinging cartoon of Ohio State Sen. Nina Turner (D-25) published by the paper two weeks ago with an accompanying editorial linking the former Cleveland Ward 1 councilwoman as a token for the White establishment. The cartoon was not just a cartoon but one that had Turner dressed in aunt jemima attire, a reference that the United Pastors in Mission, a group of Black Cleveland area preachers, said was stereotypical and anti Black. But the paper's associate publisher and editor, Connie Harper, and its legal couns...

Imperial Women And Other Grassroots Organizations To Protest Across From Home Of Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson

Cleveland, Ohio Mayor Frank G. Jackson Posted Sunday, December 6, 2009 (National and Cleveland, Ohio Area News) From the Metro Desk of The Determiner Weekly and The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog and Media Network At its meeting on Dec. 6, 2009 the Imperial Women voted to protest across from the home of Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson (2327 E. 38th St. in Cleveland) with other grassroots organizations on Saturday, Dec. 19, 2009 at 2 pm. The reasons are as follows: 1) The mayor's refusal to get back with the Imperial Women as to the demands presented around the Imperial Ave. Murders as to a meeting of the women on Nov. 16, 2009 where Cleveland Director of Community Relations Blaine Griffin promised a response; 2) The mayor's refusal to initiate the firings and an investigation of Cleveland Chief of Police Michael McGrath, Law Director Robert Triozzi, Safety Director Martin Flask, Chief Prosecutor Victor Perez (all non-Black and non-female), the health department and polic...

Plain Dealer And Call And Post Newspapers Spar Over Aunt Jemima Caricature Of State Sen. While Journalist Says Mayor Got Her To Get At Call And Post

Ohio State Senator Nina Turner (D-25) Cleveland NAACP President George Forbes Plain Dealer Editor Susan Goldberg Cleveland, Ohio Mayor Frank G. Jackson Call and Post Associate Publisher and Editor Connie Harper (center), and Call and Post former and current reporters and staffers Cleveland Municipal Court Judge Kathleen Ann Keough Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Bill Mason Ohio State Representative Barbara Boyd (D-11) Journalist Kathy Wray Coleman From the Metro Desk of The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com ( The Cleveland Plain Dealer Newspaper and the Call and Post, a historical Cleveland weekly that targets the Black community, are at blows over a front page caricature cartoon and editorial in last week's Call and Post that links State Sen. Nina Turner (D-25), who is Black, as an “Aunt Jemima” for the White establishment. Aunt Jemima is a stereotype and cultural icon to many Whites, and a racist caricature to many African ...

Press Release To All Media As To Sunday Meeting Of Imperial Women Around Imperial Ave. Murders

Posted Sunday, November 29, 2009 (National and Cleveland, Ohio Aea News) From the Metro Desk of The Determiner Weekly and The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog and Media Network The Imperial Women met Sunday, Nov. 29 and voted unanimously to present its demands at the press conference set for Monday Nov. 30. 2009 on the steps of Cleveland City Hall between 7:20 pm - 7:30 p.m. All 13 women at the meeting voted following a request by activist Donna Brown for a representative at the meeting to speak at Monday's press conference. The Imperial Women (more that 13) will sit in solidarity at the silent protest at Cleveland City Council meeting prior to the press conference and will present to the media and also in writing our demands which we voted on in a unanimous fashion at the meeting today that include the following: 1) The firings by Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson of Chief of Police Michael Mcgrath, Law Director Robert Triozzi, Safety Director Martin Flask and Chief Prosecutor Vict...

Activist Donna Brown Says She Supports Demand By Imperial Women For Cleveland Mayor To Fire Police Chief, Law Director, Chief Prosecutor, Etc.

Posted Friday, November 27, 2009 (National and Cleveland, Ohio Area News) From the Metro Desk of The Determiner Weekly and The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog and Media Network Community Activist Donna Brown, who will lead a march on city hall around the Imperial Ave murders on Monday, Nov, 30, says she wholeheartedly supports a demand by The Imperial Women and other grassroots organizations for Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson to fire Chief of Police Michael McGrath, Law Director Robert Triozzi, Safety Director Martin Flask and Chief Prosecutor Victor Perez. "I am behind the Imperial Women in this," said Brown, a frequent critic of the mayor. The newly formed Imperial W omen's group, along with Peace in the Hood, The People's Forum, The Cleveland Chapter of The New Black Panther Party, The Carl Stokes Brigade, The Lucasville Uprising Freedom Network, and The Divine Victory MGO, rallied on Imperial Ave. Tuesday night in Cleveland, Oh. in front of the home of alleged ...

Imperial Women, Peace in the Hood, The New Black Panther Party And Others Call For Mayor To Fire Police Chief, Law Director And Chief Prosecutor

Cleveland, Ohio Mayor Frank G. Jackson Protesters Rally With The Imperial Women Seeking The Firings Of Cleveland Chief Of Police Michael Mcgrath, Chief Prosecutor Victor Perez And Law Director Robert Triozzi Around The Imperial Ave. Murders Posted Thursday, November 26, 2009 (National and Cleveland, Ohio Area News) By Kathy Wray Coleman (Editor of The Determiner Weekly.Com and The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog and Media Network) The newly formed Imperial Women's group, along with Peace in the Hood, The People's Forum, The Cleveland Chapter of The New Black Panther Party, The Carl Stokes Brigade, The Lucasville Uprising Freedom Network, and The Divine Victory MGO, rallied on Imperial Ave. Tuesday night in Cleveland, Oh. And did they rally. Flanked by media such as Cleveland news channels 3, 8 and 5, the groups called for Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson to fire Cleveland Chief Prosecutor Victor Perez, Law Director Robert Triozzi, and Chief of Police Michael Mcgrath, whom they...

Sharpton to Visit Cleveland Around Allegations Of Police Negligence Of Imperial Ave. Murders, Rep To Join Protest at 6pm Nov. 24 On Imperial Ave.

The Rev. Al Sharpton Posted Monday, November 23, 2009 (National and Cleveland, Ohio Area News) By Kathy Wray Coleman (Editor of The Determiner Weekly.Com and The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog and Media Network) The Rev. Al Sharpton, leader of the grassroots Civil Rights organization The National Action Network, announced publicly today that he is coming to Cleveland, Oh. relative to claims of police negligence around the murders of 11 Black women on Imperial Avenue in the predominantly Black major metropolitan city, allegedly at the hands of Anthony Sowell, 50, a convicted sex offender. “Yeah, I'm coming to Cleveland,” said Sharpton from Atlanta Ga., where he led a national protest on urban violence with the support of NAN officials, who led similar protests around the country, including Richard D. Jones, the local representative for Cleveland. “I am ready to come to hear more about what this man was able to get away with police. Again, this is the devaluing of lives.” Standi...

Imperial Ave Rally With Cleveland Domestic Violence Representatives Set For Tue, Nov. 24 At 6PM

The women's group that met with Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson's representative (Community Relations Director Blaine Griffin) last week to present demands to Jackson and Cleveland City Council around the Imperial Ave. Murders and other grassroots organizations will rally on Imperial Ave. on Tue., Nov. 24 at 6 pm to demand respect for women and rape victims and to call for an investigation of Cleveland police and city prosecutors around the murders. Affiliates of the Cleveland Domestic Violence Center will be there too. Contact person is Sharon Danann at 216-571-2518.

Grassroots Organizations Stand For Black Women Murdered On Imperial Avenue

Activists Gather On Imperial Avenue In Cleveland By Don Bryant, Contributing Writer (National and Cleveland, Ohio Area News) On Monday, Nov. 16 "Stand For 11 Black Women Vigil and Forum" brought a diverse group of people to the Imperial Ave. site where 11 Black women where murdered, allegedly at the hands of Anthony Sowell, who is now in police custody. Many of Cleveland's local social justice organizations and agencies were represented at the event including The Mount Pleasant Task Force, The Domestic Violence Center of Cleveland, Black on Black Crime, People's Fight Back Center, and Inter-Religious Task Force on Central America. Additional groups were Women Speak Out For Peace and Justice, The Revolution Books, The Greater Cleveland Immigrant Support Network, The Middle East Peace Forum, and The People's Forum. People from all over world have paid tribute to the 11 African-American women found dead. Many from around the country have visited the Imperial Avenue s...

Protest Around Imperial Avenue Murders Prompts Mayoral Attention, Women's Groups

Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson Posted Thursday, November 12, 2009 (National and Cleveland, Ohio Area News) By Kathy Wray Coleman (Editor of The Determiner Weekly and The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog and Media Network) The group of protesters that rallied on the steps of the Cuyahoga County Justice Center on Tuesday with demands to Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson and Cleveland City Council around the Imperial Avenue Murders of 11 Black women, allegedly at the hands of rapist Anthony Sowell, did not go unnoticed. Television media from all of the Cleveland area's prominent news stations rallied to the group asking questions as to an agenda that they outlined in a letter to the mayor and City Council hours before the protest. “While there have been a number of vigils around the Imperial Avenue killings that we certainly support, we must look beyond the cosmetic dialogue and address the need for substantive change in public policy around the missing persons issues by w...

Protestors Demand Action By Mayor And City Council Around Imperial Avenue Murders

Posted Tuesday, November 10, 2009 (National and Cleveland, Ohio Area News) MEMBERS AND/OR ORGANIZATIONS OF THE CARL STOKES BRIGADE, THE CLEVELAND CHAPTER OF THE BLACK PANTHER PARTY, BLACK ON BLACK CRIME INC., THE PEOPLE'S FORUM, THE OPPRESSED PEOPLE'S NATION, THE GREATER CLEVELAND IMMIGRANT SUPPORT NETWORK The DIVINE VICTORY MGO November 10, 2009 Cleveland City Hall 601 Lakeside Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44115 Re: Demands To Be Presented At Rally Of Today Relative To Black and Other Women Subject To Undue Violence And Other Mistreatment Including The Black Women Murdered On Imperial Avenue,Still Missing Women, And The Malicious Prosecution Of Black Journalist Kathy Wray Coleman Dear Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson and Cleveland City Council Members: This is an open letter that includes demands from the aforementioned to you as leaders in the midst of a community crisis where 11 Black women were viciously murdered, some strangled unmercifully, in and around the hous...

Historic Health Care Reform Bill That Benefits Black Community Passes The House Via The Leadership Of America's First Black President

U.S. President Barack Obama U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-8) Posted Sunday, November 8, 2009 (National News) By Kathy Wray Coleman (Editor of The Determiner Weekly and The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog and Media Network) The first Black president of the United States of America made history late last night as the House adopted his health care reform initiative, passing the bill by a narrow margin with only one Republican supporting it and 39 Democrats voting in opposition. “The yeas are 220 and the nays are 215,” said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-8), a California Democrat and the first woman to lead the House. President Barack Obama, elected last year as the first African- American to lead the country, made a last minute pitch to Congress in support of the measure. “I urge members of Congress to answer the call of history and vote yes to health issue reform,” he said. Health care reform has been Obama's baby and he made that clear when he ca...