
Showing posts from 2011

Rep. Fudge offers olive branch after State Sen. Nina Turner withdraws from congressional race, Turner's colleagues say it strengthens Black community

Ohio State Sen. Nina Turner (D-Cleveland) U. S. Rep. Marcia L. Fudge (D-OH) By Kathy Wray Coleman, Editor ( ) and ( ) WASHINGTON, D.C.-State Sen. Nina Turner (D-25) on Fri. withdrew from next year's March 6 Democratic primary in a fight for a seat representing the 11th Congressional District against U.S. Rep. Marcia L. Fudge (D-11) that lost momentum after Fudge won endorsements from practically every Democratic elected official in her predominantly Black district. Pursuant to a new congressional map unleashed last week that brought roughly 200,000 more constituents, Ohio's 11th Congressional District, which includes parts of Cleveland and its eastern suburbs in Cuyahoga County, now stretches south of Cleveland some 35 miles and includes a majority Black pocket of Akron, and staggering sections of its suburbs in Summit County. A Warrensville Hts. Democrat, Fudge was big time about it, immediately offering an ol...

Press Release: Imperial Women Coalition, African American Museum, Audacity Of Hope to host County Prosecutor Candidate's Debate, Jan 5, Lil Africa

By Kathy Wray Coleman, Editor ( ) and ( ) CLEVELAND, Ohio-The Imperial Women Coalition, The Audacity of H.O.P.E Foundation, and Cleveland Urban News.Com, in cooperation with The Cleveland African American Museum and other community organizations, will host “The First Ever Inner City Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Candidate's Debate" for the community and the candidates on Thurs., Jan. 5, 2012 from 5:30 pm.- 8:00 p.m. at Lil' Africa Party Center, 6816 Superior Ave. in Cleveland, 44103. Candidates for the office are Attorney Subodh Chandra, Police Officer Stephanie Hall, Cleveland Ward 13 Councilman Kevin Kelley, Retired Judge Timothy McGinty, Attorney James J. McDonnell, and Attorney Robert Triozzi. Contacts for the debate are Audacity of Hope Foundation Founder Griot Y-Von at 216-355-3374, Cleveland African-American Museum ...

Editorial by contributor Judith Pugsley on year 2011 issues as to Serial Killer Sowell, politics, Cleveland's illegal prosecutions of Blacks, women

ROCKY RIVER-Ohio- Judith Pugley, a retired professional and supporter of Civil Rights, wrote Cleveland Urban News.Com and The Kathy Wray Coleman online News Blog. Com on what 2011 brought to the community from the convictions of serial killer Anthony Sowell on numerous counts for the murders of 11 Black women to malicious prosecutions of Black women and girls by the predominantly Black city of Cleveland. A White woman in the struggle, Pugsley supports issues impacting disenfranchised groups like minorities, including her work in campaigning to seek to repeal Ohio House Bill 194, the voter suppression state law with stringent voting requirements like reduced early voting and i.d. voting that Democrats, Civil Rights organizations and Black leaders hope voters will overturn at the ballot box in November. Dear [Cleveland Urban News.Com and The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com Editor] Kathy Wray Coleman, I want to thank you for your articles and the blog reports. I have been trying...

Rev. C. J. Matthews Gets 15 Month Prison Sentence On Tax Charges From Judge Gaughan

The Rev C. J. Matthews, flanked by members of the United Pastors in Mission, prays for calm after the bodies of what would ultimately become 11 Black women were uncovered on Cleveland's east side at the Imperial Ave. home of since convicted serial killer Anthony Sowell. (Cleveland Plain Dealer online photo, ) The Rev. C. J. Matthews in happier times U.S. District Attorney Steve Dettlebach National political news and Cleveland area news brought to you from the By Kathy Wray Coleman, Editor ( ) and ( ) CLEVELAND, Ohio-The Rev. Charles "C.J." Matthews, senior pastor at Mt. Sinai Baptist Church in Cleveland, was sentenced to 15 months in prison yesterday for failing to pay $90 thousand in IRS income taxes collected by the mega church between Oct. 2005 and Jan. 2007 on the wages of church employees. And the sentence, which was handed down by Federal District Court Judge Patric...

Ohio Supreme Court lets appeals court ruling for retrial of Joaquin Hicks stand in case of murder and robbery of Cleveland Clinic employee

Joaquin Hicks Jeremy Pechanec Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas Judge Daniel Gaul Jory Aebly National political news and local news from the Cleveland metropolitan area brought to the community from By Kathy Wray Coleman, Editor ( ) and ( ) ( The Ohio Supreme Court last week rejected a request by Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Bill Mason to hear an appeal of a state appellate court's decision for a retrial of Joaquin Hicks, sending the case back to the courtroom of Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas Judge Daniel Gaul for another trial in the tragic case of a robbery of two young Cleveland Clinic employees that turned to murder. And the saga is laced with recantation letters from some alleged witnesses against Hicks that were prosecuted too and are also serving time in prison, coupled with claims by defense counsel and the Hicks family that the wrong man was targeted, and ...

Dems Vote No Endorsement For Cuyahoga County Prosecutor, McDonnell Came Closest, Chandra 2nd, Kelley 3rd, McGinty 4th, State Reps, Judges Endorsed

National political news and local news from the Cleveland metropolitan area By Kathy Wray Coleman, Editor ( ) and ( ) ( At its Dec 7. meeting the Executive Committee of the Cuyahoga County Democratic Party issued a no endorsement to the six candidates seeking its support that are vying to replace Bill Mason for county prosecutor, a man still with political influence who helped propel two of his assistant prosecutors to judgeship's in Nov. "There was no endorsement in that race because none of the candidates received 60 percent of the vote of the Executive Committee members in attendance as required for an endorsement, " said Nick Martin, 31, Executive Director of the Cuyahoga County Democratic Party. "And in that and other races a few people abstained from voting." Mason, 52, announced in Oct that he will not seek a fourth four-year term. He has not groomed...

Imperial Women, Occupy Cleveland, Goddesses Group, Activists To Hold Vigil, Dec 6 , 7:00 am, As City Demolishes Serial Killer Anthony Sowell's Home

The home on Imperial Ave. in Cleveland, Oh. of Convicted Serial Murderer Anthony Sowell where the remains of 11 Black women were found beginning on Oct. 29, 2009. The structure is set to be demolished on Dec. 6, 2011 at 7:00 am and community activists will be there to bring more awareness to violence against women and for a prayer vigil. The Imperial Women Coalition: Fighting for justice for Black and other women, and on other community issues of public concern From the Metro Desk of The Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com ( ) and ( ) CLEVELAND, Ohio-Representatives of the grassroots groups dubbed the Imperial Women, Goddesses Blessing Goddesses, Black on Black Crime, Stop Targeting Ohio's Poor, the Cleveland Chapter of the New Black Panther Party, the Oppressed People's Nation, the Greater Cleveland Immigrant Support Network, the Carl Stokes Brigade, ESOP, Occupy Cleveland, the Lucasville Uprising Freedom Ne...

Black On Black Crime, Imperial Women, Occupy Cleveland, Jobs With Justice To Picket With ESOP At Chase Bank Over Corruption, Foreclosure Fraud

National political news and local news from the Cleveland metropolitan area brought to the community from and Grassroots groups including Black on Black Crime Inc., the Imperial Women, Cleveland Jobs With Justice, the Northeast Ohio's Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign, Stop Targeting Ohio's Poor, Occupy Cleveland and a host of others will rally over corporate greed and malfeasance with the sponsoring group Empowering And Strengthening Ohio's People (ESOP) on Tue., Dec 6, at 11:00 am at Chase Bank in Cleveland Hts., Oh at 12388 Cedar Rd. (Editor's Note: Cleveland Hts. is a suburb of Cleveland that is 43 percent Black. In addition to Cleveland, it borders Shaker Hts., E. Cleveland, University Hts. and other cities of Cuyahoga County. Like Cleveland, it too has been hit hard with illegal foreclosures furthered through corporate fraud that is tearing at the fabric of the middle class commu...

State Sen. Nina Turner Announces Run For Congress, Some Black Leaders Say Please Don't Run Against Qualified Black Incumbent U.S. Rep. Marcia Fudge

Updated Friday, December 2, 2011 Ohio State Sen. Nina Turner (D-25) U.S. Rep. Marcia L. Fudge (D-OH) Ohio State Rep. Bill Patmon (D-10) Cleveland Ward 8 Councilman Jeff Johnson Cleveland Attorney and Local NAACP President George Forbes National political news and local news from the Cleveland metropolitan area brought to the community from ( ) and ( ) By Kathy Wray Coleman, Editor State Sen. Nina Turner (D-25) , a Cleveland Democrat, sent shock waves through Cleveland's political rank and file this week when she filed petitions to take on U.S. Rep. Marcia L. Fudge (D-11) in next year's Democratic Primary election, a decision that has rocked Cleveland's Old Black Political Guard and has upset Black leaders with the prospective that the vote could be split by the two prominent Black women and a White could slide in. "When minorities run against each other as was the case in Memphis, TN., you can end up wit...