Imperial Women, Grassroots To Meet With Cleveland NAACP Around Imperial Ave. Murders, Black Issues, Activist Says Judge McGinty Is Harassing Her

Attorney and Cleveland NAACP President George Forbes From the Metro Desk of the DeterminerWeekly.Com and the Kathy Wray Coleman Online News Blog.Com ( and Officers and executive committee members of the Cleveland branch NAACP have agreed to meet with members of the Imperial Women and leaders of a host of other grassroots factions for a discussion around the Imperial Avenue Murders and other matters impacting greater Cleveland's Black and other communities. Among members of the Imperial Women that will attend are family members of 11 Black women whose remains were uncovered a year ago on Imperial Avenue In Cleveland's impoverished Mt. Pleasant neighborhood. Contacts from the grassroots venues are Kathy Wray Coleman at 216-932-3114, Don Bryant at 440-623-0492, Judy Martin at 216-990-0679, Tina Bronaugh at 216-253-6484, Marva Patterson at 216-334-7013 and Ada Averyhart at 216-645-0804. "We are excited about meet...